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A table has JSON data in the HUGECLOB column. And I want to parse it. How can I do it?

{"errors":{"destination_country_id":["can not be blank"],"dispatch_country_id":["can not be blank"],"vehicle_id":["can not be blank"],"trailer_id":["can not be blank"]}}

I tried this;

  SELECT t.*
    FROM table,
         JSON_TABLE(_hugeclob_data, '$'
              COLUMNS (destination_country_id  VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) PATH '$.destination_country_id',
                       dispatch_country_id     VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) PATH '$.dispatch_country_id',
                       vehicle_id              VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) PATH '$.vehicle_id',
                       trailer_id              VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) PATH '$.trailer_id'                  
                  ) t;



  1. If the fields are scalars but defined as arrays (like in your sample), do it like this

    SELECT t.*
        FROM table t1,
             JSON_TABLE(_hugeclob_data format json, '$.errors'
                  COLUMNS (destination_country_id  VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) PATH '$.destination_country_id[*]',
                           dispatch_country_id     VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) PATH '$.dispatch_country_id[*]',
                           vehicle_id              VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) PATH '$.vehicle_id[*]',
                           trailer_id              VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) PATH '$.trailer_id[*]'                  
                      ) t;

    But if they are actually arrays, you’ll need to use ‘nested path’ declaration to unwind the arrays

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  2. Here is one option. It takes the first element of the each of the arrays:

    create table test_table (
        id                             number generated by default on null as identity 
                                       constraint test_table_id_pk primary key,
        clob_data                      clob  CHECK (clob_data IS JSON)
    INSERT INTO test_table(clob_data) VALUES
      "errors": {
        "destination_country_id": [
          "can not be blank"
        "dispatch_country_id": [
          "can not be blank"
        "vehicle_id": [
          "can not be blank"
        "trailer_id": [
          "can not be blank"
    SELECT t.*
    FROM test_table,
    JSON_TABLE(clob_data, '$.errors'
             destination_country_id VARCHAR2(4000) PATH '$.destination_country_id[0]',
             dispatch_country_id VARCHAR2(4000) PATH '$.dispatch_country_id[0]',
             vehicle_id VARCHAR2(4000) PATH '$.vehicle_id[0]',
             trailer_id VARCHAR2(4000) PATH '$.trailer_id[0]'
    AS t;
    ---------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
             1 can not be blank     can not be blank     can not be blank     can not be blank    
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