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My file contains below JSON structure.



Here i would like to change the "To" value in each jarray objects to get from "from" on each row.


I referred to this [] but I am unable to update that file into the same json, and it failed to read the "from value" using Split(‘/’)[1]

string json = File.ReadAllText("settings.json");
dynamic jsonObj = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
jsonObj["Bots"][0]["To"] = jsonObj["Bots"][0]["from"].split('/')[1];

Anyone suggest a way to get the "from" value using split(‘/’) or any other functions?



  1. No need to use dynamic, use API provided by the library to process the dynamic JSON (JObject, JToken, JArray, see LINQ to JSON docs for some examples):

    var jsonObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(json); // or JObject.Parse
    foreach (var jToken in jsonObj["Bots"])
        jToken["To"] = jToken["from"].Value<string>().Split('/')[1]; // TODO - validate that token is of correct type and have enough elements after split
    // Prints:
    // {"Name":"M","Age":"2","Bots":[{"from":"D/2334/23","To":"2334"},{"from":"E/2s/1","To":"2s"},{"from":"ESS/5sB/DS","To":"5sB"}]}
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  2. try substring instead of split

        var jObj = JObject.Parse(json);
        foreach (var item in jObj["Bots"])
            item["To"] = ((string)item["from"])
                             .Substring(((string)item["from"]).IndexOf("/") + 1);
        json = jObj.ToString(); // or "{ "Bots": " + jObj["Bots"].ToString() + " }";
        File.WriteAllText("settings.json", json);
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