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I’m attempting to use the linux command sed to dynamically replace the value of the "branch" property. But, here is the kicker.. I’m using a bash environment variable as the value.

The environment variable:

export BRANCH_NAME=release/feature-branch

Here is my json:

 "settings": {
   "repo": "myrepo/my-service",
   "branch": "feature/addition-1"

How do I use sed to transform the JSON into:

 "settings": {
   "repo": "myrepo/my-service",
   "branch": "release/feature-branch"

What I’ve Tried so far

I have tried this other example from stackoverflow with several variations, but was unsuccessful with this:

sed -i '/branch/c   "branch" : "${BRANCH_NAME}"' settings.json

The result was:

 "settings": {
   "repo": "myrepo/my-service",
   "branch": "${BRANCH_NAME}"



  1. Don’t use sed on JSON data, use a JSON-specific tool:

    jq --arg branch "$BRANCH_NAME" '.settings.branch = $branch' settings.json > tmpfile 
    && mv tmpfile settings.json
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  2. Your best option is to use something that knows how to read and write JSON syntax. The canonical tool is jq. Assuming that we have set the shell variable $BRANCH_NAME, we do something like this:

    $ jq --arg branch_name "$BRANCH_NAME" 
      '.settings.branch = $branch_name' settings.json
      "settings": {
        "repo": "myrepo/my-service",
        "branch": "release/feature-branch"

    The problem with this sed command:

    sed -i '/branch/c   "branch" : "${BRANCH_NAME}"' settings.json

    is that single quotes (') inhibit variable expansion. You could do this instead:

    sed -i '/branch/c   "branch" : "'"${BRANCH_NAME}"'"' settings.json

    Notice the somewhat complex quoting going on there; we have effectively:

    '...something in single quotes'...something outside single quotes...'something inside single quotes...'

    More specifically:

    • '/branch/c "branch" : "'
    • "${BRANCH_NAME}"
    • '"'

    This way, the expression "${BRANCH_NAME}" is outside of the single quotes and is expanded by the shell.


    $ sed  '/branch/c   "branch" : "'"${BRANCH_NAME}"'"' settings.json
     "settings": {
       "repo": "myrepo/my-service",
       "branch": "release/feature-branch"
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