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I’ve got the following (100GB+) JSON file which includes the following top level key:

   "data": {
      "<userId1>": {
         "things": {
            "<thingId1>": {
               "subfield1": "blah1",
               "subfield3": "foobar",
            "<thingId2>": {
               "subfield2": "blah2"
      "<userId2>": {
         "things": {
            "<thingId1>": {
               "subfield4": "blah3"
            "<thingId2>": {
               "subfield3": "blah4"

I’d like each things object outputted with its path on a new line (for later newline delimited JSON usage down the pipeline), e.g. with the above it would output:

{ "path": "data/<userId1>/things/<thingId1>", "value": { "subfield1": "blah1", "subfield3": "foobar" } }
{ "path": "data/<userId1>/things/<thingId2>", "value": { "subfield2": "blah2" } }
{ "path": "data/<userId2>/things/<thingId1>", "value": { "subfield4": "blah3" } }
{ "path": "data/<userId2>/things/<thingId2>", "value": { "subfield3": "blah4" } }

The separators in path can be . if needed but would be most useful if it was an actual string array of keys.

It also needs to be a bit generic as I’d also like the simpler case of:

   "users": {
      "<userId1>": {
         "name": "user1",
         "email": "[email protected]"
      "<userId2>": {
         "name": "user2"
      "<userId3>": {
         "email": "[email protected]"

To produce the output of:

{ "path": "users/<userId1>", "value": { "name": "user1", "email": "[email protected]" } }
{ "path": "users/<userId2>", "value": { "name": "user2" } }
{ "path": "users/<userId3>", "value": { "email": "[email protected]" } }

For the simpler case, I’ve managed to get JQ to output the key of each object with:

echo '{"users":{"<userId1>":{"name":"user1"},"<userId2>":{"name":"user2"}}}' | jq -rn --stream 'fromstream(1 | truncate_stream(inputs | select(.[0][0] == "users"))) | to_entries | map("(. | tojson)") | join("n")'

And while that works, I can’t quite work out how to adapt it to output paths for the nested objects in the more complex example.

Also JQ-wise I don’t know if piping the output of fromstream to more functions is realistic memory wise? We’re talking about 10s of millions of users/data sub objects and possibly a similar amount of things sub objects.



  1. Since your input is very large and monolithic, I would expect your best option will be to use jq’s "streaming parser", though it might seem quite slow. Fortunately, in your case, it’s quite simple, or at least short:

    < input.json jq --stream -c '
     select(length==2 and .[0][-1] == "name")
     | {path: (.[0]|join("/")), name: .[1]}
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  2. If the solution using jq’s "streaming parser" is too slow, you might might like to combine using "JSON machine" with jq. Using the jm interface to JSON machine:

    jm --pointer=/data < input.json | jq -c '
      | select(length==2 and .[0][-1] == "name")
      | {path: ( ["data"] + .[0]|join("/")), name: .[1]}

    See for further details, and a Python-based interface to "JSON Machine".

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