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The "when" clause in VSCode’s JSON keybindings editor is very useful, but I can’t seem to find a way to reverse it. For instance, if I want an action to only work when the Terminal view is not showing, I would want something like this:
"when": "not.terminalViewShowing"
"when.not": "terminalViewShowing"

Is something like this possible and if not, are there any plans to add it?



  1. If the when clause only contains one condition, then you can just invert that single condition with the ! operator. For the current list of operators in when-clauses, see the official docs:

    If the when clause contains multiple condition joined by logical operators…

    See this GitHub issue: Add support for parenthesis in "when" conditions #91473, which was added to VS Code’s March 2023 Milestone, and was closed as completed by the context keys: implement a new parser (and a scanner/lexer) for ‘when’ clauses #174471 pull request. You can read about the exact syntax and grammar there. Here’s a quote of its syntax and grammar in Extended Backus-Naur form:

    expression ::= or
    or ::= and { '||' and }*
    and ::= term { '&&' term }*
    term ::=
      | '!' (KEY | 'true' | 'false')
      | primary
    primary ::=
      | 'true'
      | 'false'
      | '(' expression ')'
      | KEY '=~' REGEX
      | KEY [ ('==' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | 'not' 'in' | 'in') value ]
    value ::=
      | 'true'
      | 'false'
      | 'in'     
      | KEY
      | EMPTY_STR

    See also the announcement / discussion issue ticket for the new feature: Upcoming when clause context parser

    Fun note: Even before parenthesis support in when clauses got added, you could usually use De Morgan’s laws as a workaround to negate when-clauses.

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  2. It is as simple as adding the ! before your terminalViewShowing.

    "when": "!terminalViewShowing"

    BYW, parentheses are not supported in when clauses, see Add support for parenthesis in "when" conditions and

    Update: A PR has just been merged that introduces a new parser for when clauses which does, finally, support parentheses, see context keys: implement a new parser (and a scanner/lexer) for ‘when’ clauses.

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