JSON enum deserialization is not working.
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = B.class)
public interface IA {
B class
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NONE)
public enum B implements IA {
public record Settings(IA rlType, int myint1, int myint2) {}
Here is a unit test of how i want to use it:
void testDeserialization() throws Exception {
String json = """
"rlType": "X",
"myint1": 5,
"myint2": 10
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
RateLimiterSettings settings = objectMapper.readValue(json, Settings.class);
I’m getting the following error:
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidTypeIdException: Could not
resolve subtype of [simple type, class IA]: missing type id property
‘tlType’ (for POJO property ‘rlType’) at [Source: (String)" {
"rlType": "X",
"myint1": 5,
"myint2": 10
} "; line: 2, column: 19] (through reference chain: Settings["rlType"])
I tried to use Settings(**B** rlType, int myint1, int myint2)
and it worked but I want to do that with the interface.
What am I missing here?
When I write the object to json string I get:
{"rlType":["B","X"], .. } – why is it array?
Was able to solve that with a JsonDeserializer.
Meanwhile as we found out the interface is necessary, this solution will work:
Obviously Jackson uses a different syntax for (de)serializing enum values and ordinary classes. For an enum instance just a
["type", "value"]
is used, for a class instance the full object notation{ "riType":..., "property":"value", etc. }