Please help me in providing jolt spec or update the below tried jolt spec to get expected output json shown below, i have added few default value as part of requirement and not able to remove the duplicate entry inside the WFI_Customer and WFI_Reasons arrays, please help in fixing the issue thanks in advance.
input json
"FIRST_REASON": "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
"ALERT_TEXT": "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount",
"EVENT_DATE": 1615660200000,
"CHECK_NAME": null,
"ACCOUNT_ID": "-1",
"WW_ORGUNIT_ID": 1045,
"CREATION_TIMESTAMP": 1615902235602,
"REASON_NAME": "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
"REASON_DESCRIPTION": "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount",
"RISK_LEVEL": "Low",
"EVENT_TIMESTAMP": 1615660200000,
"FIRST_REASON": "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
"ALERT_TEXT": "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount",
"EVENT_DATE": 1615660200000,
"CHECK_NAME": null,
"ACCOUNT_ID": "-1",
"WW_ORGUNIT_ID": 1045,
"CREATION_TIMESTAMP": 1615902235602,
"REASON_NAME": "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
"REASON_DESCRIPTION": "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount",
"RISK_LEVEL": "Low",
"EVENT_TIMESTAMP": 1615660200000,
"FIRST_REASON": "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
"ALERT_TEXT": "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount",
"EVENT_DATE": 1615660200000,
"CHECK_NAME": null,
"ACCOUNT_ID": "-1",
"WW_ORGUNIT_ID": 1045,
"CREATION_TIMESTAMP": 1615902235602,
"REASON_NAME": "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
"REASON_DESCRIPTION": "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount",
"RISK_LEVEL": "High",
"EVENT_TIMESTAMP": 1615660200000,
actual output
[ {
"WF_Workitem" : {
"GlobalID" : "AMALERT123",
"InvLifecycleStatus" : null,
"SourceSystem" : "AM",
"WF_Instance" : {
"Description" : "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount",
"EventDate" : 1615660200000,
"External_Data_Reference" : [ {
"ApplicationId" : "null",
"External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict" : [ {
"Description" : "Account Type - ID stored is the Account_ID",
"Name" : "Account_ID",
"ReferenceTypeId" : "1"
} ],
"InstanceID" : "123",
"ReferenceID" : "-1",
"ReferenceTypeId" : "1"
}, {
"ApplicationId" : "null",
"External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict" : [ {
"Description" : "Transaction Type - ID stored is the Transaction_ID",
"Name" : "Transaction_ID",
"ReferenceTypeId" : "2"
} ],
"InstanceID" : "123",
"ReferenceID" : null,
"ReferenceTypeId" : "2"
} ],
"FastTrack" : "NO",
"FirstReasonName" : "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
"InstanceID" : "123",
"OrgUnitCode" : "SE_EMP",
"OrgUnitID" : 1045,
"Score" : 27,
"SubScenarioName" : null,
"WFI_Customer" : [ {
"CustomerID" : "CUST12",
"CustomerSegment" : "SILVER",
"CustomerTypeCode" : "NATURAL PERSON"
}, {
"CustomerID" : "CUST12",
"CustomerSegment" : "SILVER",
"CustomerTypeCode" : "NATURAL PERSON"
}, {
"CustomerID" : "CUST12345",
"CustomerSegment" : "GOLD",
"CustomerTypeCode" : "NATURAL PERSON"
} ],
"WFI_Reasons" : [ {
"CustomerRiskLevel" : "LOW",
"DetectionScore" : 27,
"DetectionTimeStamp" : 1615660200000,
"ReasonDescription" : "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount",
"ReasonTimePeriod" : "Daily",
"SRC_AccountID" : "NOCTEST1234",
"SRC_ID" : "TEST123456",
"SRC_TransactionID" : null,
"ScenarioName" : "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history"
}, {
"CustomerRiskLevel" : "LOW",
"DetectionScore" : 27,
"DetectionTimeStamp" : 1615660200000,
"ReasonDescription" : "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount",
"ReasonTimePeriod" : "Daily",
"SRC_AccountID" : "NOCTEST1234",
"SRC_ID" : "TEST123456",
"SRC_TransactionID" : null,
"ScenarioName" : "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history"
}, {
"CustomerRiskLevel" : "HIGH",
"DetectionScore" : 47,
"DetectionTimeStamp" : 1615660200000,
"ReasonDescription" : "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount",
"ReasonTimePeriod" : "Daily",
"SRC_AccountID" : "NOCTEST456",
"SRC_ID" : "TEST123",
"SRC_TransactionID" : null,
"ScenarioName" : "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history"
} ],
"WFinstanceType" : "ALERT"
"WF_Linked_References" : {
"Global_ID" : null,
"Local_ID" : null,
"RelationshipType" : null,
"SourceRef" : null
"WF_Workitem_Link" : [ {
"LinkedEntityKey" : "2",
"LinkedEntityName" : "Test2"
}, {
"LinkedEntityKey" : null,
"LinkedEntityName" : null
}, {
"LinkedEntityKey" : "1",
"LinkedEntityName" : "Test1"
} ],
"WFeventTimestamp" : 1615902235602,
"opDomain" : "TM"
} ]
Expected output
[ {
"WF_Workitem" : {
"GlobalID" : "AMALERT123",
"InvLifecycleStatus" : null,
"SourceSystem" : "AM",
"WF_Instance" : {
"Description" : "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount",
"EventDate" : 1615660200000,
"External_Data_Reference" : [ {
"ApplicationId" : "null",
"External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict" : [ {
"Description" : "Account Type - ID stored is the Account_ID",
"Name" : "Account_ID",
"ReferenceTypeId" : "1"
} ],
"InstanceID" : "123",
"ReferenceID" : "-1",
"ReferenceTypeId" : "1"
}, {
"ApplicationId" : "null",
"External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict" : [ {
"Description" : "Transaction Type - ID stored is the Transaction_ID",
"Name" : "Transaction_ID",
"ReferenceTypeId" : "2"
} ],
"InstanceID" : "123",
"ReferenceID" : null,
"ReferenceTypeId" : "2"
} ],
"FastTrack" : "NO",
"FirstReasonName" : "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
"InstanceID" : "123",
"OrgUnitCode" : "SE_EMP",
"OrgUnitID" : 1045,
"Score" : 27,
"SubScenarioName" : null,
"WFI_Customer" : [ {
"CustomerID" : "CUST12",
"CustomerSegment" : "SILVER",
"CustomerTypeCode" : "NATURAL PERSON"
}, {
"CustomerID" : "CUST12345",
"CustomerSegment" : "GOLD",
"CustomerTypeCode" : "NATURAL PERSON"
} ],
"WFI_Reasons" : [ {
"CustomerRiskLevel" : "LOW",
"DetectionScore" : 27,
"DetectionTimeStamp" : 1615660200000,
"ReasonDescription" : "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount",
"ReasonTimePeriod" : "Daily",
"SRC_AccountID" : "NOCTEST1234",
"SRC_ID" : "TEST123456",
"SRC_TransactionID" : null,
"ScenarioName" : "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history"
}, {
"CustomerRiskLevel" : "HIGH",
"DetectionScore" : 47,
"DetectionTimeStamp" : 1615660200000,
"ReasonDescription" : "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount",
"ReasonTimePeriod" : "Daily",
"SRC_AccountID" : "NOCTEST456",
"SRC_ID" : "TEST123",
"SRC_TransactionID" : null,
"ScenarioName" : "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history"
} ],
"WFinstanceType" : "ALERT"
"WF_Linked_References" : {
"Global_ID" : null,
"Local_ID" : null,
"RelationshipType" : null,
"SourceRef" : null
"WF_Workitem_Link" : [ {
"LinkedEntityKey" : "2",
"LinkedEntityName" : "Test2"
}, {
"LinkedEntityKey" : null,
"LinkedEntityName" : null
}, {
"LinkedEntityKey" : "1",
"LinkedEntityName" : "Test1"
} ],
"WFeventTimestamp" : 1615902235602,
"opDomain" : "TM"
} ]
jolt spec tried
"operation": "modify-default-beta",
"spec": {
"*": {
"comp_id": "=concat(@(1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER),'_', @(1,FIRST_REASON))"
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": "@(1,comp_id).&[]"
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"*": {
"FIRST_REASON": "=firstElement(@(1,FIRST_REASON))",
"ALERT_TEXT": "=firstElement(@(1,ALERT_TEXT))",
"ALERT_SCORE": "=firstElement(@(1,ALERT_SCORE))",
"EVENT_DATE": "=firstElement(@(1,EVENT_DATE))",
"WW_ORGUNIT_ID": "=firstElement(@(1,WW_ORGUNIT_ID))",
"WW_ORGUNIT_CODE": "=firstElement(@(1,WW_ORGUNIT_CODE))",
"WW_DOMAIN_CODE": "=firstElement(@(1,WW_DOMAIN_CODE))",
"CHECK_NAME": "=firstElement(@(1,CHECK_NAME))",
"ACCOUNT_ID": "=firstElement(@(1,ACCOUNT_ID))",
"TRANSACTION_ID": "=firstElement(@(1,TRANSACTION_ID))",
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": "[#2].&",
"comp_id": null
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": "[#2].&",
"CREATION_TIMESTAMP": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WFeventTimestamp",
"ALERT_IDENTIFIER": ["[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.InstanceID", "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].InstanceID", "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].InstanceID"],
"FIRST_REASON": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.FirstReasonName",
"ALERT_TEXT": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.Description",
"ALERT_SCORE": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.Score",
"EVENT_DATE": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.EventDate",
"WW_ORGUNIT_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.OrgUnitID",
"WW_ORGUNIT_CODE": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.OrgUnitCode",
"WW_DOMAIN_CODE": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFinstanceSubtype",
"ACCOUNT_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].ReferenceID",
"TRANSACTION_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].ReferenceID",
"CHECK_NAME": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.SubScenarioName",
"#null": ["[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].ApplicationId", "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].ApplicationId"],
"#1": ["[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict[0].ReferenceTypeId", "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].ReferenceTypeId"],
"#2": ["[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict[0].ReferenceTypeId", "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].ReferenceTypeId"],
"#Account_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict[0].Name",
"#Transaction_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict[0].Name",
"#Account Type - ID stored is the Account_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict[0].Description",
"#Transaction Type - ID stored is the Transaction_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict[0].Description",
"#TM": "[&1].WF_Workitem.opDomain",
"#AM": "[&1].WF_Workitem.SourceSystem",
"#ALERT": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFinstanceType",
"*": {
"P": {
"C": {
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Customer[&].CustomerID"
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Customer[&].CustomerSegment"
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].SRC_ID"
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].ScenarioName"
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].DetectionScore"
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].ReasonTimePeriod"
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].ReasonDescription"
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].SRC_AccountID"
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].SRC_TransactionID"
"*": {
"Low": {
"#LOW": "[&4].RISK_LEVEL[]"
"Medium": {
"#MEDIUM": "[&4].RISK_LEVEL[]"
"High": {
"#HIGH": "[&4].RISK_LEVEL[]"
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].DetectionTimeStamp"
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Workitem_Link[&].LinkedEntityKey"
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Workitem_Link[&].LinkedEntityName"
"operation": "default",
"spec": {
"*": {
"WF_Workitem": {
"InvLifecycleStatus": null,
"WF_Linked_References": {
"Global_ID": null,
"Local_ID": null,
"SourceRef": null,
"RelationshipType": null
"WF_Instance": {
"WFI_Customer[]": {
"*": {
"CustomerTypeCode": null
"WFI_Reasons[]": {
"*": {
"CustomerRiskLevel": null
"operation": "remove",
"spec": {
"*": {
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"*": {
"WW_ORGUNIT_ID": "=toString",
"WF_Workitem": {
"GlobalID": "=concat(@(1,SourceSystem),'',@(1,opDoamin),'',@(1,WF_Instance.WFinstanceType),'',@(1,WF_Instance.InstanceID))"
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": "[#2].&",
"NO": {
"#NO": "[&3].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.FastTrack"
"1": {
"#YES": "[&3].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.FastTrack"
"0": {
"#NO": "[&3].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.FastTrack"
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Customer[&].CustomerTypeCode"
"*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].CustomerRiskLevel"
"operation": "sort"
i have tried below Jolt spec and it is working fine for solution i am looking for
Add the below spec after you spec in last.
Updated the spec this will hopefully resolve your query.
Updated the spec :
First Shift operation -> Creates a new field named "VAR" inside WFI_Customer & WFI_Reasons array object which will consist of value of each attribute inside respective array to create a unique key object.
Second Shift operation -> On the basis of VAR field created, we will separate each array object into different objects. If duplicates are there then the object will be coming under same objects. (Debug this with input provided separately will give more context.)
Third operation will remove any nulls created because of previous operations. modify-overwrite-beta(recursivelySquashNulls)
Next operation cardinality will be applied to individual objects created in step 2 to remove any duplicates and give only unique value objects.
Last Shift Operation is to combine and form the previous objects from unique object arrays created from step 4 WFI_Customer & WFI_Reasons.
Hope this resolves your query.
Please accept the answer if this helps.