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Please help me in providing jolt spec or update the below tried jolt spec to get desired output json shown below
I already posted the similar question but tried to solution but not able to remove the duplicate entry inside the WFI_Customer and WFI_Reasons arrays, please help in fixing the issue thanks in advance

input json

    "ALERT_IDENTIFIER": "123",
    "FIRST_REASON": "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
    "ALERT_TEXT": "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount of incoming transactions totalling 3000.00 EUR. This is deviating from historic behaviour. <br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behavioural change – value",
    "ALERT_SCORE": 27,
    "EVENT_DATE": 1615660200000,
    "CUSTOMER_ID": "CUST12",
    "CHECK_NAME": null,
    "ACCOUNT_ID": "-1",
    "TRANSACTION_ID": null,
    "WW_ORGUNIT_ID": 1045,
    "CREATION_TIMESTAMP": 1615902235602,
    "REASON_NAME": "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
    "REASON_SCORE": 27,
    "REASON_TIME_PERIOD": "Daily",
    "REASON_DESCRIPTION": "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount of incoming transactions totalling 3000.00 EUR. This is deviating from historic behaviour. <br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behavioural change – value",
    "RISK_LEVEL": "Low",
    "EVENT_TIMESTAMP": 1615660200000,
    "LINKED_ENTITY_NAME": "Test2",
    "ALERT_IDENTIFIER": "123",
    "FIRST_REASON": "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
    "ALERT_TEXT": "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount of incoming transactions totalling 3000.00 EUR. This is deviating from historic behaviour. <br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behavioural change – value",
    "ALERT_SCORE": 27,
    "EVENT_DATE": 1615660200000,
    "CUSTOMER_ID": "CUST12",
    "CHECK_NAME": null,
    "ACCOUNT_ID": "-1",
    "TRANSACTION_ID": null,
    "WW_ORGUNIT_ID": 1045,
    "CREATION_TIMESTAMP": 1615902235602,
    "REASON_NAME": "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
    "REASON_SCORE": 27,
    "REASON_TIME_PERIOD": "Daily",
    "REASON_DESCRIPTION": "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount of incoming transactions totalling 3000.00 EUR. This is deviating from historic behaviour. <br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behavioural change – value",
    "RISK_LEVEL": "Low",
    "EVENT_TIMESTAMP": 1615660200000,
    "ALERT_IDENTIFIER": "123",
    "FIRST_REASON": "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
    "ALERT_TEXT": "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount of incoming transactions totalling 3000.00 EUR. This is deviating from historic behaviour. <br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behavioural change – value",
    "ALERT_SCORE": 27,
    "EVENT_DATE": 1615660200000,
    "CUSTOMER_ID": "CUST12",
    "CHECK_NAME": null,
    "ACCOUNT_ID": "-1",
    "TRANSACTION_ID": null,
    "WW_ORGUNIT_ID": 1045,
    "CREATION_TIMESTAMP": 1615902235602,
    "REASON_NAME": "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
    "REASON_SCORE": 27,
    "REASON_TIME_PERIOD": "Daily",
    "REASON_DESCRIPTION": "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount of incoming transactions totalling 3000.00 EUR. This is deviating from historic behaviour. <br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behavioural change – value",
    "RISK_LEVEL": "Low",
    "EVENT_TIMESTAMP": 1615660200000,
    "LINKED_ENTITY_NAME": "Test1",
    "ALERT_IDENTIFIER": "345",
    "FIRST_REASON": "CB03b Transaction with new terrorist country or a country with close proximity compared to history",
    "ALERT_TEXT": "CB03b: In the previous week a transaction was made to or from Philippines [PH] totalling 13000.00 EUR. <br/><br/>This is a new country compared to the customer’s 180 days history, also considered a terrorist country or a country with close proximity to a terrorist country. <br/><br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behaviour Change - new country<br/>- Country Risk - Transactions with Terrorist Havens<br/>",
    "ALERT_SCORE": 368.4,
    "EVENT_DATE": 1935253800000,
    "CUSTOMER_ID": "CUST123",
    "CHECK_NAME": null,
    "ACCOUNT_ID": "-1",
    "TRANSACTION_ID": null,
    "WW_ORGUNIT_ID": 1005,
    "CREATION_TIMESTAMP": 1616030994216,
    "REASON_NAME": "CB03b Transaction with new terrorist country or a country with close proximity compared to history",
    "REASON_SCORE": 91.4,
    "REASON_TIME_PERIOD": "ForEachRecord",
    "REASON_DESCRIPTION": "CB03b: In the previous week a transaction was made to or from Chad [TD] totalling 10000.00 EUR. <br/><br/>This is a new country compared to the customer’s 180 days history, also considered a terrorist country or a country with close proximity to a terrorist country. <br/><br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behaviour Change - new country<br/>- Country Risk - Transactions with Terrorist Havens<br/>",
    "RISK_LEVEL": "Low",
    "EVENT_TIMESTAMP": 1935253800000,
    "ALERT_IDENTIFIER": "345",
    "FIRST_REASON": "CB03b Transaction with new terrorist country or a country with close proximity compared to history",
    "ALERT_TEXT": "CB03b: In the previous week a transaction was made to or from Philippines [PH] totalling 13000.00 EUR. <br/><br/>This is a new country compared to the customer’s 180 days history, also considered a terrorist country or a country with close proximity to a terrorist country. <br/><br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behaviour Change - new country<br/>- Country Risk - Transactions with Terrorist Havens<br/>",
    "ALERT_SCORE": 368.4,
    "EVENT_DATE": 1935253800000,
    "CUSTOMER_ID": "CUST123",
    "CHECK_NAME": null,
    "ACCOUNT_ID": "-1",
    "TRANSACTION_ID": null,
    "WW_ORGUNIT_ID": 1005,
    "CREATION_TIMESTAMP": 1616030994216,
    "REASON_NAME": "CB03b Transaction with new terrorist country or a country with close proximity compared to history",
    "REASON_SCORE": 91.9,
    "REASON_TIME_PERIOD": "ForEachRecord",
    "REASON_DESCRIPTION": "CB03b: In the previous week a transaction was made to or from Russia [RU] totalling 11000.00 EUR. <br/><br/>This is a new country compared to the customer’s 180 days history, also considered a terrorist country or a country with close proximity to a terrorist country. <br/><br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behaviour Change - new country<br/>- Country Risk - Transactions with Terrorist Havens<br/>",
    "RISK_LEVEL": "Low",
    "EVENT_TIMESTAMP": 1935253800000,
    "ALERT_IDENTIFIER": "345",
    "FIRST_REASON": "CB03b Transaction with new terrorist country or a country with close proximity compared to history",
    "ALERT_TEXT": "CB03b: In the previous week a transaction was made to or from Philippines [PH] totalling 13000.00 EUR. <br/><br/>This is a new country compared to the customer’s 180 days history, also considered a terrorist country or a country with close proximity to a terrorist country. <br/><br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behaviour Change - new country<br/>- Country Risk - Transactions with Terrorist Havens<br/>",
    "ALERT_SCORE": 368.4,
    "EVENT_DATE": 1935253800000,
    "CUSTOMER_ID": "CUST123",
    "CHECK_NAME": null,
    "ACCOUNT_ID": "-1",
    "TRANSACTION_ID": null,
    "WW_ORGUNIT_ID": 1005,
    "CREATION_TIMESTAMP": 1616030994216,
    "REASON_NAME": "CB03b Transaction with new terrorist country or a country with close proximity compared to history",
    "REASON_SCORE": 91.9,
    "REASON_TIME_PERIOD": "ForEachRecord",
    "REASON_DESCRIPTION": "CB03b: In the previous week a transaction was made to or from Russia [RU] totalling 11000.00 EUR. <br/><br/>This is a new country compared to the customer’s 180 days history, also considered a terrorist country or a country with close proximity to a terrorist country. <br/><br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behaviour Change - new country<br/>- Country Risk - Transactions with Terrorist Havens<br/>",
    "RISK_LEVEL": "Low",
    "EVENT_TIMESTAMP": 1935253800000,
    "ALERT_IDENTIFIER": "345",
    "FIRST_REASON": "CB03b Transaction with new terrorist country or a country with close proximity compared to history",
    "ALERT_TEXT": "CB03b: In the previous week a transaction was made to or from Philippines [PH] totalling 13000.00 EUR. <br/><br/>This is a new country compared to the customer’s 180 days history, also considered a terrorist country or a country with close proximity to a terrorist country. <br/><br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behaviour Change - new country<br/>- Country Risk - Transactions with Terrorist Havens<br/>",
    "ALERT_SCORE": 368.4,
    "EVENT_DATE": 1935253800000,
    "CUSTOMER_ID": "CUST123",
    "CHECK_NAME": null,
    "ACCOUNT_ID": "-1",
    "TRANSACTION_ID": null,
    "WW_ORGUNIT_ID": 1005,
    "CREATION_TIMESTAMP": 1616030994216,
    "REASON_NAME": "CB03b Transaction with new terrorist country or a country with close proximity compared to history",
    "REASON_SCORE": 91.9,
    "REASON_TIME_PERIOD": "ForEachRecord",
    "REASON_DESCRIPTION": "CB03b: In the previous week a transaction was made to or from Russia [RU] totalling 11000.00 EUR. <br/><br/>This is a new country compared to the customer’s 180 days history, also considered a terrorist country or a country with close proximity to a terrorist country. <br/><br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behaviour Change - new country<br/>- Country Risk - Transactions with Terrorist Havens<br/>",
    "RISK_LEVEL": "Low",
    "EVENT_TIMESTAMP": 1935253800000,

Expected output json without any duplicate like below

[ {
  "WF_Workitem" : {
    "GlobalID" : "AMALERT123",
    "InvLifecycleStatus" : null,
    "SourceSystem" : "AM",
    "WF_Instance" : {
      "Description" : "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount of incoming transactions totalling 3000.00 EUR. This is deviating from historic behaviour. <br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behavioural change ? value",
      "EventDate" : 1615660200000,
      "External_Data_Reference" : [ {
        "ApplicationId" : "null",
        "External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict" : [ {
          "Description" : "Account Type - ID stored is the Account_ID",
          "Name" : "Account_ID",
          "ReferenceTypeId" : "1"
        } ],
        "InstanceID" : "123",
        "ReferenceID" : "-1",
        "ReferenceTypeId" : "1"
      }, {
        "ApplicationId" : "null",
        "External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict" : [ {
          "Description" : "Transaction Type - ID stored is the Transaction_ID",
          "Name" : "Transaction_ID",
          "ReferenceTypeId" : "2"
        } ],
        "InstanceID" : "123",
        "ReferenceID" : null,
        "ReferenceTypeId" : "2"
      } ],
      "FastTrack" : "NO",
      "FirstReasonName" : "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history",
      "InstanceID" : "123",
      "OrgUnitCode" : "SE_EMP",
      "OrgUnitID" : 1045,
      "Score" : 27,
      "SubScenarioName" : null,
      "WFI_Customer" : [ {
        "CustomerID" : "CUST12",
        "CustomerSegment" : "SILVER",
        "CustomerTypeCode" : "NATURAL PERSON"
      } ],
      "WFI_Reasons" : [ {
        "CustomerRiskLevel" : "LOW",
        "DetectionScore" : 27,
        "DetectionTimeStamp" : 1615660200000,
        "ReasonDescription" : "CB05b: In the previous day there was a high amount of incoming transactions totalling 3000.00 EUR. This is deviating from historic behaviour. <br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behavioural change ? value",
        "ReasonTimePeriod" : "Daily",
        "SRC_AccountID" : "NOCTEST1234",
        "SRC_ID" : "TEST123456",
        "SRC_TransactionID" : null,
        "ScenarioName" : "CB05b High amount credit transactions compared to credit history"
      } ],
      "WFinstanceType" : "ALERT"
    "WF_Linked_References" : {
      "Global_ID" : null,
      "Local_ID" : null,
      "RelationshipType" : null,
      "SourceRef" : null
    "WF_Workitem_Link" : [ {
      "LinkedEntityKey" : "2",
      "LinkedEntityName" : "Test2"
    }, {
      "LinkedEntityKey" : null,
      "LinkedEntityName" : null
    }, {
      "LinkedEntityKey" : "1",
      "LinkedEntityName" : "Test1"
    } ],
    "WFeventTimestamp" : 1615902235602,
    "opDomain" : "TM"
}, {
  "WF_Workitem" : {
    "GlobalID" : "AMALERT345",
    "InvLifecycleStatus" : null,
    "SourceSystem" : "AM",
    "WF_Instance" : {
      "Description" : "CB03b: In the previous week a transaction was made to or from Philippines [PH] totalling 13000.00 EUR. <br/><br/>This is a new country compared to the customer?s 180 days history, also considered a terrorist country or a country with close proximity to a terrorist country. <br/><br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behaviour Change - new country<br/>- Country Risk - Transactions with Terrorist Havens<br/>",
      "EventDate" : 1935253800000,
      "External_Data_Reference" : [ {
        "ApplicationId" : "null",
        "External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict" : [ {
          "Description" : "Account Type - ID stored is the Account_ID",
          "Name" : "Account_ID",
          "ReferenceTypeId" : "1"
        } ],
        "InstanceID" : "345",
        "ReferenceID" : "-1",
        "ReferenceTypeId" : "1"
      }, {
        "ApplicationId" : "null",
        "External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict" : [ {
          "Description" : "Transaction Type - ID stored is the Transaction_ID",
          "Name" : "Transaction_ID",
          "ReferenceTypeId" : "2"
        } ],
        "InstanceID" : "345",
        "ReferenceID" : null,
        "ReferenceTypeId" : "2"
      } ],
      "FastTrack" : "NO",
      "FirstReasonName" : "CB03b Transaction with new terrorist country or a country with close proximity compared to history",
      "InstanceID" : "345",
      "OrgUnitCode" : "NO",
      "OrgUnitID" : 1005,
      "Score" : 368.4,
      "SubScenarioName" : null,
      "WFI_Customer" : [ {
        "CustomerID" : "CUST123",
        "CustomerSegment" : "SILVER",
        "CustomerTypeCode" : "NATURAL PERSON"
      } ],
      "WFI_Reasons" : [ {
        "CustomerRiskLevel" : "LOW",
        "DetectionScore" : 91.4,
        "DetectionTimeStamp" : 1935253800000,
        "ReasonDescription" : "CB03b: In the previous week a transaction was made to or from Chad [TD] totalling 10000.00 EUR. <br/><br/>This is a new country compared to the customer?s 180 days history, also considered a terrorist country or a country with close proximity to a terrorist country. <br/><br/>Risk indicators: <br/>- Behaviour Change - new country<br/>- Country Risk - Transactions with Terrorist Havens<br/>",
        "ReasonTimePeriod" : "ForEachRecord",
        "SRC_AccountID" : "NOCTEST123",
        "SRC_ID" : "NOCTEST1234",
        "SRC_TransactionID" : "Mar07UNIQUEECB03BNO93PS",
        "ScenarioName" : "CB03b Transaction with new terrorist country or a country with close proximity compared to history"
      } ],
      "WFinstanceType" : "ALERT"
    "WF_Linked_References" : {
      "Global_ID" : null,
      "Local_ID" : null,
      "RelationshipType" : null,
      "SourceRef" : null
    "WF_Workitem_Link" : [ {
      "LinkedEntityKey" : null,
      "LinkedEntityName" : null
    }, {
      "LinkedEntityKey" : null,
      "LinkedEntityName" : null
    }, {
      "LinkedEntityKey" : null,
      "LinkedEntityName" : null
    }, {
      "LinkedEntityKey" : null,
      "LinkedEntityName" : null
    } ],
    "WFeventTimestamp" : 1616030994216,
    "opDomain" : "TM"
} ]

Spec tried but duplicate it is not removed could you please update the below jolt spec or provide new jolt spec to remove the duplicates

    "operation": "modify-default-beta",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "comp_id": "=concat(@(1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER),'_', @(1,FIRST_REASON))"
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "*": "@(1,comp_id).&[]"
    "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "CREATION_TIMESTAMP": "=firstElement(@(1,CREATION_TIMESTAMP))",
        "ALERT_IDENTIFIER": "=firstElement(@(1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER))",
        "FIRST_REASON": "=firstElement(@(1,FIRST_REASON))",
        "ALERT_TEXT": "=firstElement(@(1,ALERT_TEXT))",
        "ALERT_SCORE": "=firstElement(@(1,ALERT_SCORE))",
        "EVENT_DATE": "=firstElement(@(1,EVENT_DATE))",
        "WW_ORGUNIT_ID": "=firstElement(@(1,WW_ORGUNIT_ID))",
        "WW_ORGUNIT_CODE": "=firstElement(@(1,WW_ORGUNIT_CODE))",
        "WW_DOMAIN_CODE": "=firstElement(@(1,WW_DOMAIN_CODE))",
        "CHECK_NAME": "=firstElement(@(1,CHECK_NAME))",
        "ACCOUNT_ID": "=firstElement(@(1,ACCOUNT_ID))",
        "TRANSACTION_ID": "=firstElement(@(1,TRANSACTION_ID))",
        "QUEUE_FASTTRACK_FLAG": "=firstElement(@(1,QUEUE_FASTTRACK_FLAG))"

    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "*": "[#2].&",
        "comp_id": null
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "*": "[#2].&",
        "CREATION_TIMESTAMP": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WFeventTimestamp",
        "ALERT_IDENTIFIER": ["[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.InstanceID", "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].InstanceID", "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].InstanceID"],
        "FIRST_REASON": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.FirstReasonName",
        "ALERT_TEXT": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.Description",
        "ALERT_SCORE": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.Score",
        "EVENT_DATE": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.EventDate",
        "WW_ORGUNIT_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.OrgUnitID",
        "WW_ORGUNIT_CODE": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.OrgUnitCode",
        "WW_DOMAIN_CODE": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFinstanceSubtype",
        "ACCOUNT_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].ReferenceID",
        "TRANSACTION_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].ReferenceID",
        "CHECK_NAME": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.SubScenarioName",
        "#null": ["[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].ApplicationId", "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].ApplicationId"],
        "#1": ["[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict[0].ReferenceTypeId", "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].ReferenceTypeId"],
        "#2": ["[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict[0].ReferenceTypeId", "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].ReferenceTypeId"],
        "#Account_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict[0].Name",
        "#Transaction_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict[0].Name",
        "#Account Type - ID stored is the Account_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[0].External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict[0].Description",
        "#Transaction Type - ID stored is the Transaction_ID": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.External_Data_Reference[1].External_Data_Reference_Type_Dict[0].Description",
        "#TM": "[&1].WF_Workitem.opDomain",
        "#AM": "[&1].WF_Workitem.SourceSystem",
        "#ALERT": "[&1].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFinstanceType",
          "*": {
            "P": {
              "#NATURAL PERSON": "[&4].CUSTOMER_TYPE_CODE[]"
            "C": {
              "#ORGANIZATION": "[&4].CUSTOMER_TYPE_CODE[]"
        "CUSTOMER_ID": {
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Customer[&].CustomerID"
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Customer[&].CustomerSegment"
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].SRC_ID"
        "REASON_NAME": {
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].ScenarioName"
        "REASON_SCORE": {
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].DetectionScore"
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].ReasonTimePeriod"
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].ReasonDescription"
        "DATASOURCE_ACC_ID": {
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].SRC_AccountID"
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].SRC_TransactionID"
        "RISK_LEVEL": {
          "*": {
            "Low": {
              "#LOW": "[&4].RISK_LEVEL[]"
            "Medium": {
              "#MEDIUM": "[&4].RISK_LEVEL[]"
            "High": {
              "#HIGH": "[&4].RISK_LEVEL[]"
        "EVENT_TIMESTAMP": {
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].DetectionTimeStamp"
        "LINKED_ENTITY_KEY": {
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Workitem_Link[&].LinkedEntityKey"
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Workitem_Link[&].LinkedEntityName"
    "operation": "default",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "WF_Workitem": {
          "InvLifecycleStatus": null,
          "WF_Linked_References": {
            "Global_ID": null,
            "Local_ID": null,
            "SourceRef": null,
            "RelationshipType": null
          "WF_Instance": {
            "WFI_Customer[]": {
              "*": {
                "CustomerTypeCode": null
            "WFI_Reasons[]": {
              "*": {
                "CustomerRiskLevel": null
    "operation": "remove",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "ALERT_KEY": ""
    "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "WW_ORGUNIT_ID": "=toString",
        "WF_Workitem": {
          "GlobalID": "=concat(@(1,SourceSystem),'',@(1,opDoamin),'',@(1,WF_Instance.WFinstanceType),'',@(1,WF_Instance.InstanceID))"
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "*": "[#2].&",
          "NO": {
            "#NO": "[&3].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.FastTrack"
          "1": {
            "#YES": "[&3].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.FastTrack"
          "0": {
            "#NO": "[&3].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.FastTrack"
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Customer[&].CustomerTypeCode"
        "RISK_LEVEL": {
          "*": "[&2].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.WFI_Reasons[&].CustomerRiskLevel"
    "operation": "sort"



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Below jolt spec is working fine for my problem.

        "operation": "shift",
        "spec": {
          "*": {
            "FIRST_REASON": "@1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.FirstReasonName",
            "ALERT_SCORE": "@1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.Score",
            "ALERT_TEXT": "@1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.Description",
            "CREATION_TIMESTAMP": "@1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WFeventTimestamp",
            "EVENT_TIMESTAMP": "@1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WFI_Reasons.@1,REASON_SRC_UNIQUE_ID.DetectionTimeStamp",
            "REASON_NAME": "@1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WFI_Reasons.@1,REASON_SRC_UNIQUE_ID.ScenarioName",
            "REASON_SCORE": "@1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WFI_Reasons.@1,REASON_SRC_UNIQUE_ID.DetectionScore",
            "REASON_DESCRIPTION": "@1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WFI_Reasons.@1,REASON_SRC_UNIQUE_ID.ReasonDescription",
            "LINKED_ENTITY_NAME": "@1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WF_Workitem_Link.@1,LINKED_ENTITY_KEY.LinkedEntityName",
            "LINKED_ENTITY_KEY": "@1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WF_Workitem_Link.@1,LINKED_ENTITY_KEY.LinkedEntityKey",
            "CUSTOMER_ID": "@1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WFI_Customer.@1,CUSTOMER_ID.CustomerID",
            "CUSTOMER_SEGMENT": "@1,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WFI_Customer.@1,CUSTOMER_ID.CustomerSegment",
            "CUSTOMER_TYPE_CODE": {
              "P": {
                "#Natual Person": "@3,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WFI_Customer.@3,CUSTOMER_ID.CustomerTypeCode"
              "O": {
                "#Organization": "@3,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WFI_Customer.@3,CUSTOMER_ID.CustomerTypeCode"
            "QUEUE_FASTTRACK_FLAG": {
              "0": {
                "#NO": "@3,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.FastTrack"
              "*": {
                "#YES": "@3,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.FastTrack"
            "RISK_LEVEL": {
              "High": {
                "#HIGH": "@3,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WFI_Reasons.@3,REASON_SRC_UNIQUE_ID.CustomerRiskLevel"
              "Low": {
                "#LOW": "@3,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WFI_Reasons.@3,REASON_SRC_UNIQUE_ID.CustomerRiskLevel"
              "Medium": {
                "#MEDIUM": "@3,ALERT_IDENTIFIER.WFI_Reasons.@3,REASON_SRC_UNIQUE_ID.CustomerRiskLevel"
      { //get rid of repetitions, eg. convert arrays to attributes 
        "operation": "cardinality",
        "spec": {
          "*": {
            "*": "ONE",
            "WFI_Customer": {
              "*": {
                "*": "ONE"
            "WFI_Reasons": {
              "*": {
                "*": "ONE"
            "WF_Workitem_Link": {
              "*": {
                "*": "ONE"
        "operation": "shift",
        "spec": {
          "*": {
            "*": "[#2].WF_Workitem.&",
            "WFI_Customer": {
              "*": "[#3].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.&1[]"
            "WFI_Reasons": {
              "*": "[#3].WF_Workitem.WF_Instance.&1[]"
            "WF_Workitem_Link": {
              "*": "[#3].WF_Workitem.&1[]"

  2. I am not able to understand the full logic but this will help you resolve your issue.

        "operation": "cardinality",
        "spec": {
          "*": {
            "WF_Workitem": {
              "WF_Instance": {
                "WFI_Customer": "ONE",
                "WFI_Reasons": "ONE"
      }, {
        "operation": "cardinality",
        "spec": {
          "*": {
            "WF_Workitem": {
              "WF_Instance": {
                "WFI_Customer": "MANY",
                "WFI_Reasons": "MANY"

    You need to remove the duplicates from the WFI_Reasons & WFI_Customer arrays so with cardinality 1st I am picking 1st object from respective array that to convert into single object and then converting it back into an array with same operation.

    Hope this resolves your query.

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