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I want to merge two JSON objects that has a common key

Object A

  "extensions": { 
    "app_name": "extensions-prod"
  "plugins": { 
    "app_name": "plugins-prod" 

Object B

  "plugins": { 
    "project_name": "plugins-prod" 

Desired output:

  "plugins": { 
    "project_name": "plugins-prod",
    "app_name": "plugins-prod" 

I did look into other SO posts but were not very useful as the structure I have is different. Also the json objects are bash variables and not contained in a file.

[Edit] I would not know what the common key would be since the JSON objects are being generated dynamically in a CI environment.



  1. One possible solution that is admittedly pedestrian but which avoids the generality and potential complexity of a "deep merge" would be:

    jq '.plugins += input.plugins' A.json B.json

    If you want the ordering of keys shown in the Q, you could modify this to:

     jq '.plugins = input.plugins + .plugins' A.json B.json

    There are many variations of the above theme.

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  2. This should achieve what’s expected :

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
      "extensions": { 
        "app_name": "extensions-prod"
      "plugins": { 
        "app_name": "plugins-prod" 
      "plugins": { 
        "project_name": "plugins-prod" 
    jq -s 'map(to_entries) |
           add |
           group_by(.key) |
           map(select(length == 2) |
               { key: first | .key,
                 value: map(.value) | add
              ) |
           from_entries' <<< "$A $B"
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