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My JSON response has this structure:

"hpsId": 10012,
"powerPlant": {
"name": "xx",
"id": xx,
"spotlessId": xx,
"regionId": xx,
"priceArea": x,
"timeSeries": [
    "name": "ts.plan.sum",
    "dtssId": "",
    "tsv": {
      "pfx": false,
      "data": [
    "name": "ts.max_prod.sum",
    "dtssId": "",
    "tsv": {
      "pfx": false,
      "data": [

I want to check if the FIRST data element is not null (now it is 83) and I want to return i.e. 1 of it is not null and 0 if it is null using somewhat this kind of method (pseudo code ish):

 def get_bids_for_pp(d):
    for x in d
       for unit in x["data[0]"]:
        if unit["data[0[1]]"] !=None
            return 1
            return 0

I understand I have to use None (not null) for Python, but is the logic in the method correct?



  1. You could for example check if the second element is not null for all datas inside "data" array inside "tsv" for all "timeSeries".

    return all(unit[1] is not None for ts in d["timeSeries"] for unit in ts["tsv"]["data"])
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  2. Here’s a Python function that checks if the first data element in the JSON response is not None and returns 1 or 0 accordingly:

    def get_bids_for_pp(d):
    for ts in d.get("powerPlant", {}).get("timeSeries", []):
        # Check the 'data' key in the 'tsv' dictionary
        data = ts.get("tsv", {}).get("data", [])
        if data:
            # Check if the first element in the data list is not None
            first_entry = data[0][1]  # Assuming the first entry is [timestamp, value]
            if first_entry is not None:
                return 1
    return 0
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  3. Tweaking @KamilCuk’s answer to fit your proposed logic:

    def get_bids_for_pp(d):
        return any(unit[1] is not None for ts in d["timeSeries"] for unit in ts['tsv']['data'])

    This will return True if any of the time series data entries is not None. I think this is what you want based on your pseudocode. If you want instead to return True if all are valid (and none are null), you’d use all instead of any.

    What this does is use a generator expression to filter out the second data element. It does the for loop all in one expression. It passes each element to the conditional expression unit[1] is not None and generates a list of results. (Actually, internally, it passes a function that generates the list of results on-the-fly, not the list itself, but the logic is the same.) It passes this to any, which will return True if any of the elements it is passed are True. So you get an answer in one fell swoop.

    You should always use is not None and not != None as you discovered, because None is such a special value.

    This code makes the assumption that data is a list of lists and that you want to scan the second element of all the lists, returning True if any is not null (i.e. if not all of them are null).

    If you really want to return 1 or 0 (not recommended; better to use True and False), use

        return 1 if any(unit[1] is not None for ts in d["timeSeries"] for unit in ts['tsv']['data']) else 0
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