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I have a table with json variants that contain keys which may or may not be there depending on the API response.

example table:

create or replace temporary table test (variant_col variant);

insert into test(variant_col)
select parse_json('{"response": [{"key1":[1,2,3]}, {"key2":[7,8,9]}]}');
insert into test(variant_col)
select parse_json('{"response": [{"key2":[7,8,9]}]}');

I’d like to lateral flatten them based on their keys, and use key1 if it exists, else use key2 (which will always exist)

    iff(f2.value::int is null, 'key2', 'key1') as value_type,
    ifnull(f2.value::int, f3.value::int) as desired_value
    LATERAL FLATTEN(input => response) as f1,
    LATERAL FLATTEN(input => f1.value:key1) as f2,
    LATERAL FLATTEN(input => f1.value:key2) as f3



  1. We can solve this by giving an id to each row, and then we can union all the results of 2 queries – depending on the existence of key1:

    with data as (
        select row_number() over(order by 0) id, * 
        from test
    ), rows_with_key1 as (
        select data.*, value v
        from data
            , lateral flatten(input => variant_col:response) as f1
        where f1.value:key1 is not null
    ), rows_without_key1 as (
        select data.*, value v
        from data
            , lateral flatten(input => variant_col:response) as f1
        where id not in (select id from rows_with_key1)
    select id, value, variant_col
    from rows_with_key1
        , lateral flatten(input => v:key1) ff
    union all
    select id, value, variant_col
    from rows_without_key1
        , lateral flatten(input => v:key2)
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  2. If flatten is excluding the row from the result set, you can use OUTER => true, which will return a null row for zero-row expansions

        iff(f2.value::int is null, 'key2', 'key1') as value_type,
        ifnull(f2.value::int, f3.value::int) as desired_value
        LATERAL FLATTEN(input => variant_col:response) as f1,
        LATERAL FLATTEN(input => f1.value:key1) as f2,
        LATERAL FLATTEN(input => f1.value:key2, OUTER => true) as f3

    If TRUE, exactly one row is generated for zero-row expansions (with
    NULL in the KEY, INDEX, and VALUE columns).

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