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I have the following CSV (truncated):


I need the following JSON:


I have been tinkering with jq and came close but I haven’t managed to get it just right. What I currently have is:

jq -R '
    | . / "n"
    | (.[] | select(length > 0) | . / ",") as $fields
    | [$fields[1], $fields[2], $fields[3], $fields[4]] as $aircraft
    | {($fields[0]): $aircraft}
' >outfile.json

That produces


(Note the missing comma)…

I’m clearly missing something but I’m at the end of my wits…



  1. I’m never sure if this is the simplest way, but I would write

    jq -R '[split(",")[] | fromjson] |
           [{key: .[0], value: .[1:]}] |
           from_entries' tmp.csv | jq -s 'add'

    An explanation…

    The first part of the filter produces a list of strings for each row. (It assumes you can treat a row as a comma-separated stream of JSON strings; jq isn’t really designed to parse CSV files.)

    $ jq -Rc '[split(",")[]|fromjson]' tmp.csv

    The second part of the filter creates a list of objects with key and value fields, using the first element of a list as the key and the remaining elements of a list as the value.

    $ jq -Rc '[split(",")[]|fromjson] | [{key: .[0], value: .[1:]}]' tmp.csv

    These lists are designed to be processed by from_entries to create the desired JSON objects.

    % jq -Rc '[split(",")[]|fromjson] | [{key: .[0], value: .[1:]}] | from_entries' tmp.csv

    The second jq command reads the objects into a single array, then "sums" them to create a single object with two keys.

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  2. With . / "," you are splitting at any occurring comma, regardless of it actually separating the columns, or being part of a column value. If you can assert that the latter won’t happen (data never contains commas), here’s an approach using reduce to successively build up your target object:

    jq -nR 'reduce (inputs / "," | map(fromjson)) as $i ({}; .[$i[0]] = $i[1:])'
      "adfebb": [
      "ae0133": [
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