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How do you create new item on monday using python? Below is the code that is being used — on a board there are multiple columns that need to be populated. How to target a specific column and provide it with a value?

def CREATE_data(api_key:str) -> None:
    ''' fn creates new row item on '''
    api_url     = "" 
    headers     = {'Authorization': api_key}
    query       = 'mutation ($columnVals: JSON!) { create_item (board_id:3539729472, item_name:"TEST", column_values: $columnVals) { id } }'
    vars        = {
        'columnVals': json.dumps({ 
                'date' : '1993-08-27' 
    data        = {'query' : query, 'variables': vars}
    r =, json=data, headers=headers) # make request

Tired the code above and am trying to populate specific columns with values



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The solution - to target specific columns is to create a JSON and provide it with the column ID. EX:

    'columnVals': json.dumps({
       # col_ID : col_val 
       'text11' : 'your text here' 
       'status14': 'Overnight' 

  2. There is not much information of what exactly you are trying but according to the tutorial. You have to specify the columns with the json.

    query3 = 'mutation{ create_item (board_id:YOUR_BOARD_ID, item_name:"WHAT IS UP MY FRIENDS!") { id } }'
    data = {'query' : query3}

    Look at creating a new item.

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