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In an application I am serializing Kotlin objects to Json, sending them through HTTP and deserializing them on the other end back to Kotlin objects. To do so, I am using the jackson-dataind library. In one particular case, I am having trouble with deserializing a list. Consider the following classes and code:

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
interface ServerInteraction

data class GetJobResultResponse<T>(
    @JsonTypeInfo(include = JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_OBJECT, use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS)
    val result: T?
) : ServerInteraction

data class TotalStationPoint(val pointName: String, val location: Point3, val timestamp: Instant)

class LoadTotalStationDataSerializationTest {
    fun loadTotalStationDataIsSerializedCorrectly() {
        val result: List<TotalStationPoint> = loadTotalStationData()
        val getJobResultResponse: GetJobResultResponse<List<TotalStationPoint>> = GetJobResultResponse(result)
        val serializedResponse: String = JsonSerializer.serialize(getJobResultResponse)

        Serializes to:
          "type": "de.uni_freiburg.inatech.streem.image_converter.batch_job_executor.common.responses.GetJobResultResponse",
          "result": {
            "java.util.ArrayList": [
                "pointName": "V1_22_0000000956",
                "location": {
                  "x": 10012.21984,
                  "y": 10002.558907,
                  "z": 2.342047000000001
                "timestamp": 1670328663.04
                "pointName": "V1_22_0000000955",
                "location": {
                  "x": 10012.219816,
                  "y": 10002.559031,
                  "z": 2.3418279999999996
                "timestamp": 1670328662.91
              // ...
        val deserializedResponse: GetJobResultResponse<*> = JsonSerializer.deserialize<GetJobResultResponse<*>>(serializedResponse)

        assertTrue((deserializedResponse.result as List<*>).first() is TotalStationPoint)
        assertEquals(getJobResultResponse, deserializedResponse)

    private fun loadTotalStationData(): List<TotalStationPoint> {
        // Loads and parses a CSV file to List<TotalStationData>
        // ...

The issue is that deserializedResponse.result is deserialized as ArrayList<Map<String, String>> where each former TotalStationPoint is now a map of attributes:

Actual deserialized list

Instead, I want the list to be deserialized as List<TotalStationPoint> again, like the input object was:

Expected object

I know that I can build a custom solution to this problem, but before resorting to a custom solution, I would like to know if Jackson-databind has a more idiomatic way to solve this.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    So, I ended up modifying the JSON a little to include more type information about the result object. To explain the solution, I need to explain some more project-related context:

    The result value in GetJobResultResponse is actually generated by processing jobs which run over a long time (possibly hours) on the server and eventually return a value, in this case a List<TotalStationPoint>. For different reasons, each Job has to specify the Class<*> of the object it returns and if it returns a List, it also has to specify the Class<*> of the elements contained in the list. So, the server already knows the Class<*> of the elements in the list, it merely needs to be transmitted to the client and taken into account during deserialization. I therefore modified the request and server like so:

    @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
    sealed class Job<TId : Job.Id<T>, T : Any>(
        val id: TId,
        private val outputClass: Class<T>?,
        private val listOutputClass: Class<*>? = null
    ) {
        val outputClassName = outputClass?.canonicalName
        val listOutputClassName = listOutputClass?.canonicalName
        // ...
        var result: T?
            private set
    data class GetJobResultResponse<T>(
        @JsonTypeInfo(include = JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_OBJECT, use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS)
        val result: T?,
        val resultListType: String? = null
    ) : ServerInteraction
    object GetJobResultMapping : RequestMapping<GetJobResultRequest, GetJobResultResponse<*>> {
        override fun invoke(request: GetJobResultRequest): GetJobResultResponse<Any> {
                val job = jobExecutor.completedJobs[request.jobId]
                return GetJobResultResponse(

    GetJobResultResponse therefore now also includes the canonical class name of the list element class. I then modified the deserialization method like so, such that it creates a TypeReference based on the additional information and then uses mapper.convertValue(result, typeReference) to convert the resultproperly:

    object JsonSerializer {
        private fun objectMapper(): ObjectMapper = // ...
        inline fun <reified T : Any> deserialize(string: String): T = deserialize(string,
        fun <T : Any> deserialize(string: String, clazz: Class<T>): T {
                val mapper = objectMapper()
                val initialDeserialization = mapper.readValue(string, clazz)
                if (initialDeserialization !is GetJobResultResponse<*>) return initialDeserialization
                val resultListType = initialDeserialization.resultListType ?: return initialDeserialization
                val elementClass = Class.forName(resultListType)
                val typeReference = mapper.typeFactory
                        initialDeserialization.result?.javaClass as Class<out Collection<*>>? ?:,
                return GetJobResultResponse<Any>(
                    mapper.convertValue(initialDeserialization.result, typeReference),
                ) as T

  2. You lose too much type information, that’s the main problem.

    However, if you can allow a subclass on GetJobResultResponse then sufficient type information is passed:

    class TotalStationPointsResponse(result: List<TotalStationPoint>) :

    working solution:

    package de.uni_freiburg.inatech.streem.image_converter.batch_job_executor.common.responses
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.json.JsonMapper
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.KotlinFeature
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.KotlinModule
    import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
    import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
    import java.time.Instant
    @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
    interface ServerInteraction
    // this class changed from data class to open class to permit subclassing
    open class GetJobResultResponse<T>(
        @JsonTypeInfo(include = JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_OBJECT, use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS)
        val result: T?
    ) : ServerInteraction
    class TotalStationPointsResponse(result: List<TotalStationPoint>) :
    data class Point3(val x: Double, val y: Double, val z: Double)
    data class TotalStationPoint(val pointName: String, val location: Point3, val timestamp: Instant)
    class LoadTotalStationDataSerializationTest {
        fun loadTotalStationDataIsSerializedCorrectly() {
            val result: List<TotalStationPoint> = loadTotalStationData()
            //val getJobResultResponse: GetJobResultResponse<List<TotalStationPoint>> = GetJobResultResponse(result)
            val getJobResultResponse: TotalStationPointsResponse = TotalStationPointsResponse(result)
            // this is just a different way to serialize... nothing really different here:
            val mapper = JsonMapper.builder()
                .addModule(KotlinModule.Builder().configure(KotlinFeature.StrictNullChecks, true).build())
            val serializedResponse: String =
            Serializes to:
                  "type" : "de.uni_freiburg.inatech.streem.image_converter.batch_job_executor.common.responses.TotalStationPointsResponse",
                  "result" : [ {
                    "pointName" : "V1_22_0000000956",
                    "location" : {
                      "x" : 10012.21984,
                      "y" : 10002.558907,
                      "z" : 2.342047000000001
                    "timestamp" : 1695116403.684844000
                  } ]
            val deserializedResponse: GetJobResultResponse<*> =
            assertTrue((deserializedResponse.result as List<*>).first() is TotalStationPoint)
            // following fails because the change away from data class means there is no proper equals() 
            assert(getJobResultResponse, deserializedResponse)
        private fun loadTotalStationData(): List<TotalStationPoint> {
            return listOf(
                    Point3(10012.21984, 10002.558907, 2.342047000000001),
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