I am trying to catch and validate the response of an API but when I tried to debug the same, I am getting null values inside each of the variables of the developer DTO I am trying to reuse. Below is the code I am trying to use.
ValidatableResponse response = given().header("Authorization", token).header("Content-type", "application/json")
.when().log().all().pathParam("CalendarId", testCaseBean.getCalendarId().toString()).urlEncodingEnabled(false)
.queryParam("from", testCaseBean.getStartDate()).queryParam("to", testCaseBean.getEndDate())
.queryParam("monthEnd", testCaseBean.getMonthEndBusinessDay())
InCalendarDateResponseWrapper actualRIOutput = CommonUtils.getJSONMapper()
.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)
.readValue(response.extract().asString(), InCalendarDateResponseWrapper .class);
String t=actualRIOutput.getCalendarId();
The value of t when I am trying to print, I am getting null. Below is the developer DTO.
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.ToString;
import java.time.LocalDate;
public class InCalendarDateResponseWrapper {
private String calendarId;
private LocalDate calDat;
private LocalDate prevBus;
private LocalDate nextBus;
private Boolean bus;
private Boolean monthEnd;
The response of the GET API is as follows.
"EU": [
"calendarId": "EU",
"calDat": "2022-11-01",
"prevBus": "2022-10-31",
"nextBus": "2022-11-02",
"bus": true,
"monthEnd": false
"AU": [
"calendarId": "AU",
"calDat": "2022-11-01",
"prevBus": "2022-10-31",
"nextBus": "2022-11-02",
"bus": true,
"monthEnd": false
The getJSONMapper code which I am using is as follows.
public static ObjectMapper getJSONMapper() {
objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false);
objectMapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
return objectMapper;
Am I doing any mistake in catching the response? The response is returned by the API on the console when I do log().all() but when I try to fetch the response deserializing it, I see null values inside each of my variables one of them I have printed and it gives null on the console.
You need one more object.
To convert JSON to DTO
You dont need the line
You will need to annotate your
properties with annotation as follows:Please see this question and answer for detailed explanation: Spring Data JPA – ZonedDateTime format for json serialization