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I’ve got a file with these jsons:


Actually I don’t care about the day and want to group my records by id and sum the count. Expected result:


How would I achieve this with JQ?



  1. Use group_by to group the objects.

    jq -cs 'group_by(.id)[] | {id: .[0].id, count: map(.count) | add}' < file.json
    • -s wraps the whole input into a large array so you can process all the objects instead of iterating them one by one;
    • -c compresses the output so it looks like the desired one.
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  2. If the input is large, and you don’t want to --slurp (or -s) all items into memory (only effective if there are at least some duplicate IDs), you can take a reduce-based approach which iterates over the inputs collecting only the aggregated values:

    jq -cn '
      reduce inputs as {$count, $id} ({}; .[$id] += $count)
      | to_entries[] | {id: .key, count: .value}


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