I am writing a Vue.js application for showing a radar chart using Anychart.js Library.
My current problem is adding a click listener to labels of radar chart.
Using plain js I can use this istruction:
.listen("click", function (e) {
// get the index of the hovered labels, 0 based
var labelIndex = e.labelIndex;
//do something with labelIndex
How can I achieve the same result using the json notation?
I am trying with this:
chart: {
xAxis: {
labels: {
enabled: true,
width: "48px",
height: "48px",
format: function () {},
background: {
enabled: true,
fill: {
src: myImg_path,
mode: "fit",
listen: {
type: "click",
listener: function () {
but when I click the labels nothing happens.
I am not sure if the listen property is correct and I cannot find anything in anychart site about this signature.
How can I solve this problem?
thanks in advance
Nevermind, I just wrote to anychart support and they told me that utilizing listen() method is possible only with JS configuration. However, it is possible to apply the listeners after parsing JSON. I will follow this way then. Thanks to all.
To make a click event you must follow the following structure
Oficial Documentation