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I have a Map like following:

  final Map<String, dynamic> question = {
    'rating': {
      'added': false,

And I want to use it inside another Map like below:

  final Map<String, dynamic> book = {
    'detail': {
      'questions': [
        question // here I need to have a list of the above Map

But it doesn’t work. How can I use another Map‘s definition inside a Map I am gonna define as it’s parent?



  1. try to put the spread operator "…" like this:

       final Map<String, dynamic> book = {
    'detail': {
      'questions': [...{question}] // here I need to have a list of the above Map

    try this instead,it should work fine now :

     late final Map<String, dynamic> book = {
    'detail': {
      'questions': [...{question}] // here I need to have a list of the above Map   
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  2. The instance member ‘question’ can’t be accessed in an initializer.
    Try replacing the reference to the instance member with a different

    Use it like this:

    class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
      late final Map<String, dynamic> question;
      late final Map<String, dynamic> book;
      void initState() {
        question = {
          'rating': {
            'added': false,
        book = {
          'detail': {
            'questions': [question, question, question, question]
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  3. I tried your code and it works just fine, but as mentioned by @Soliev, it is recommended to use classes instead of plain maps.
    Here is an example of how you can use your code with classes.
    This is a very simple example, but later on, you can research data classes, toJson, and FromJson methods, and add them to your classes if needed.

    class Question {
      final Rating rating;
        required this.rating,
    class Rating {
      final bool added;
        required this.added,
    class BookDetail {
      final List<Question> questions;
        required this.questions,
    class Book {
      final BookDetail detail;
      //You can add more fields 
      //final String name
      //final String author
        required this.detail,
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