I am making a python script with ScratchAttach to automatically answer a certain prompt on my profile, and I have gotten up to the point of getting messages from my profile. Now how do I check if the "Content" key of one of those objects contains the example text "Hello World"? If it wasn’t clear, I am doing this in Python.
[{'CommentID': '317977750', 'User': 'shieldroy', 'Content': 'Can you pls advertise my studio and tell people to comment " generic" on my profile.', 'Timestamp': '2024-03-10T04:47:53Z', 'hasReplies?': False}]
I haven’t really tried a lot, because I am pretty new to python.
You can access key/value pairs in a dict using
, so you can doWhat this does is first check if the key exists in the dictionary, and then checks if the value is the one you want.
An alternative method is
This makes use of the fact that
returns the specified default if the key doesn’t exist.When working with dictionaries, the
operator tests the presence of a key. If the key you are looking for exists, then you can test its value and verify that the key:value pair exists.Alternatively, you can try to directly get the value at the expected key and catch the error if the key does not exists.
If you have multiple dictionary in your array, simply repeat the test for each.