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I have an excel file with a structure as the following:

Title List
Title_1 [‘str_1’, ‘str_2’]
Title_2 [‘str_3’, ‘str_4’]

and I want to get the data in a json structure as:

{"0":{"Title": "Title_1", "List": ['str_1', 'str_2']}, "1":{"Title": "Title_2", "List": ['str_3', 'str_4']}}

instead of:

{"0":{"Title": "Title_1", "List": "['str_1', 'str_2']"}, "1":{"Title": "Title_2", "List": "['str_3', 'str_4']"}}

How can I achieve this by using the pandas module in python?

I have tried:

df = pd.read_excel("my_excel.xlsx")


and get:

{"0":{"Title": "Title_1", "List": "['str_1', 'str_2']"}, "1":{"Title": "Title_2", "List": "['str_3', 'str_4']"}}



  1. To get your desired datatype you can try the following transformation:

    import ast
    def convert_to_list(string_value):
        return ast.literal_eval(string_value)
    except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
        return string_value
    df['List'] = df['List'].apply(convert_to_list)

    This function simply takes a string value and do the following:

    • Safely tries to convert the input string as a Python literal expression(a list)
    • If the input string can be converted to a list, it will return a list otherwise in case there’s a ValueError or SyntaxError it will return the original string value
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  2. If you want to use the pandas library, you can use the Dataframe method to_json. This will give you the JSON structure of the dataframe.


    To validate the result you can use:

    pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json.loads(df.to_json(orient="index")), orient="index")
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