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Currently i am using a config file in python to get incremental data from an api. Below is a snippet of the config file

   "id" : 123,
    "name" :    ,
    "path" :     ,
    "format":     , 
                 "table_name" : "test"
     "query" : "select * from test where type_id='1234' and time>= '2023-04-20T00:46:26+00:00'"

Now i am manually changing the TIME path of the sql query but i want a solution where i dont need to manually change the date.

I did try a bunch of different ways but at the end i am not getting any value at my output file unless i give a date

  1. time >= ‘DATE(NOW())-INTERVAL 7 DAY’

  2. time = DateDiff(left(time,19), today(), day) <5 – this should ideally give incremental value in sql but here i am not able to pass this statement in python



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thanks to @mrblue6 and others help, i just need to rewrite the line containing the time and place the quotations correctly :-

    query = ""query""":"""select* from test where type_id='1234' and time>=" "'"+formatted_string+"'"  (the file was not running without the quotes correct)
    with open('abcd.txt) as f:
    lines = f.readLines()
    lines[10] = f'{query}"n'
    with open('abcd.txt','w') as file:

  2. You don’t have to make it a json, but it will possibly be easier for you to parse a json config because it can be turned into a dictionary, making it very easy to parse. But txt file will also work if thats what you want.

    #import datetime module
    import datetime
    #Get datetime for right now
    tod =
    #create time delta of how many days to go back
    d = datetime.timedelta(days = 5)
    #simple subtraction
    a = tod - d
    #format the date to the format you want. The 00:00 at the end is to just set milliseconds to 0 because datetime can't parse ms like that (I think?)
    formatted_string = a.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00")
    #prints 2023-04-19T18:39:38+00:00 (ie. 5 days before when I ran this)
    #I will assume here you open and read your config file
    #assuming query looks like this in the config: "query" : "select * from test where type_id='1234' and time>= "
    #query variable is your query from the config file
    #Initialising query below because I don't have your config file
    query = "select * from test where type_id='1234' and time>= "
    query += formatted_string
    #prints select * from test where type_id='1234' and time>= 2023-04-19T18:42:23+00:00
    #now you can write this back to your config and do whatever else is needed
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