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I have a Column in MYSQL table with the following values


I want to split the data using JSONSTRING, I have the following code thus far but I cannot populate the $jsonString with the data

// Query: Fetch the required data from MySQL table
$sql = "SELECT params FROM gs_objects WHERE imei = '863281047502101'";
$result = $connection->query($sql);

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
// Fetch the row as an associative array
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();

// Populate JSON string using fetched data
$jsonData = [
'params' => $row['params'],

// Convert associative array to JSON string
$jsonString = json_encode($jsonData);

// Output JSON string
echo "Populated JSON String: " . PHP_EOL;
echo $jsonString;

} else {
echo "No data found for the given query.";
// The provided JSON string
$jsonString = ***I need to Populate this with the column Data***

// Decode the JSON string into an associative array
$data = json_decode($jsonString, true);

// Check if decoding was successful
if ($data === null) {
echo "Invalid JSON string.";

// Extract specific values
$acc = $data['acc'];
$alarm = $data['alarm'];                                        
$gpslev = $data['gpslev'];
$bats = $data['bats'];

In the echo $jsonString; I get the following value:


I need the above value without the to be placed into

// The provided JSON string
$jsonString =

Section of my code



  1. I understood the request/question as to just literally remove the slashes ” on the $jsonString.

    You may do so with str_replace().

    $test = '{"acc":"0","alarm":"02","batl":"6"...........}';
    $removed = str_replace('\', '', $test);

    Checking the result

    string(46) "{"acc":"0","alarm":"02","batl":"6"...........}" // the output

    The output is still a string.

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    • The issue lies in how the JSON string is encoded and stored in your database column.

    • When you retrieve it, it may already contain escaped characters, which can make the output look incorrect.

    • To resolve this and ensure you correctly populate $jsonString without unnecessary escape characters, you can use the following approach:

    Fixed code ,

    // Query: Fetch the required data from MySQL table
    $sql = "SELECT params FROM gs_objects WHERE imei = '863281047502101'";
    $result = $connection->query($sql);
    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
        // Fetch the row as an associative array
        $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
        // Retrieve the raw JSON string from the database column
        $jsonString = $row['params'];
        // Decode the JSON string into an associative array
        $data = json_decode($jsonString, true);
        // Check if decoding was successful
        if ($data === null) {
            echo "Invalid JSON string.";
        // Extract specific values
        $acc = $data['acc'];
        $alarm = $data['alarm'];
        $gpslev = $data['gpslev'];
        $bats = $data['bats'];
        // Output the extracted values
        echo "Extracted Values: n";
        echo "ACC: $accn";
        echo "Alarm: $alarmn";
        echo "GPS Level: $gpslevn";
        echo "Battery Status: $batsn";
    } else {
        echo "No data found for the given query.";
    • Key Changes
    1. Retrieve the params Column Directly:
    • nstead of re-encoding the JSON data (json_encode), use the string directly from the database.
    1. Decode the JSON Properly:
    • Use json_decode to convert the JSON string into an associative array.
    1. Avoid Escaped Characters:
    • The characters appear because the database column contains escaped JSON. Ensure the column stores raw JSON strings, not double-encoded JSON.

    For example,

    • Correct JSON in the database


    1. Validate Decoding:
    • Use json_last_error() to debug if decoding fails.
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