I have a script, where I get my output using pscustom object (the one with the value -eq 0.0) but is there a way to join $netscaler name+$cmponentname+$name in a single variable ?
$Components = @("virtualserver", "services", "servicegroup", "contentswitch")
foreach ($component in $Components){
$Metrics = Invoke-RestMethod "https://graphvip100.com/metrics/find?query=metrics.winops.netscalers.components.nsexsre*.$component.*.2m.status" -ErrorAction Stop
$Raw = foreach ($metric in $Metrics)
Invoke-RestMethod "https://graphvip100.com/render?target=$($metric.id)&from=-10min&format=csv" -ErrorAction Stop
$Data = $Raw | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header "Metric","Time","Value" | Where-Object { -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value) } | Group-Object -Property Metric
foreach ($group in $Data)
$NetscalerName = $group.Name.Split(".")[4]
$Componentname = $group.name.split(".")[5]
$Name = $group.Name.Split(".")[6]
If (($group.Group[-1].Value -eq "0.0") -and ($group.Group[-2].Value -eq "0.0") -and ($name -notmatch $exclusionpattern) -and ($netscalername -match $netscalerexclusion))
$vipdown = [PSCustomObject]@{
NetscalerName = $NetscalerName
Componentname = $Componentname
Name = $Name
$failures = $true
ElseIf (($group.Group[-1].Value -eq "1.0") -and ($group.Group[-2].Value -eq "1.0") -and ($name -notmatch $exclusionpattern) -and ($netscalername -match $netscalerexclusion))
Write-Verbose "$NetscalerName $Componentname $Name is UP" -Verbose
ElseIf (($group.Group[-1].Value -eq "2.0") -and ($group.Group[-2].Value -eq "2.0") -and ($name -notmatch $exclusionpattern) -and ($netscalername -match $netscalerexclusion))
Write-Verbose "$NetscalerName $Componentname $Name is OUT OF SERVICE" -Verbose
if ($failures){
Throw "Issue with netsclaer!"
By storing it in a single variable, I am trying to get the data and use it something like below,
$VIPResults = get-NSVIPStatus
Throw $_
if ($null -ne $VIPResults)
foreach ($R in $Results)
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Send NOC Alert: EXSRE Netscaler $($R.name) on $($R.netscalername) is down" -Verbose
This worked, ^ Thanks @stackprotector
If you do not output anything else in your loop, you can assign that output to a variable:
Otherwise, you can just collect those objects in an ArrayList: