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Not quite getting it. I can produce multiple lines but cannot get multiple entries to combine. Looking to take Source JSON and output to CSV as shown:

Source JSON:

[{"State": "NewYork","Drivers": [
{"Car": "Jetta","Users": [{"Name": "Steve","Details": {"Location": "Home","Time": "9a-7p"}}]},
{"Car": "Jetta","Users": [{"Name": "Roger","Details": {"Location": "Office","Time": "3p-6p"}}]},
{"Car": "Ford","Users": [{"Name": "John","Details": {"Location": "Home","Time": "12p-5p"}}]}

Desired CSV:


JQ code that does not work:

.[] | .Drivers[] | .Car as $car |
    .Users[] |  
    [$car, .Name] | @csv



  1. Not quite optimised, but I though’t I’d share the general idea:

    jq -r 'map(.State as $s | 
        (.Drivers | group_by(.Car))[] 
        | [ 
            (map(.Users[].Name) | join(";")),
            (map(.Users[].Details.Location) | join(";")),
            (map(.Users[].Details.Time) | join(";"))
    [] | @csv' b
    • map() over each state, remember the name (map(.State as $s | )
    • group_by(.Car)
    • Create an array containing all your fields that is passed to @csv
      • Use map() and join() to create the fields for Name, Location and Time
        This part could be improved so you don’t need that duplicated part

    Output (with --raw-output:


    JqPlay seems down, so I’m still searching for an other way of sharing a public demo

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  2. You’re looking for something like this:

    .[] | [.State] + (
      .Drivers | group_by(.Car)[] | [.[0].Car] + (
        map(.Users) | add | [
        ] | map(join(";"))
    ) | @csv
    $ jq -r -f tst.jq file
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  3. Far from perfect, but it builds the result incrementally so it should be easily debuggable and extensible:

    map({State} + (.Drivers[] | {Car} + (.Users[] | {Name} + (.Details | {Location, Time}))))
    | group_by(.Car)
    | map(reduce .[] as $item (
      . + ($item | {State,Car}) | .Name += [$item.Name] | .Location += [$item.Location] | .Time += [$item.Time]))
    | .[]
    | [.State, .Car, (.Name,.Location,.Time|join(","))]
    | @csv
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