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I’m trying to parse an array, child of array, in json response returned from a curl request in bash. Unfortunately i can’t use jq because it can’t be installed on production servers.
I’ve try using awk or sed in curl request but result is empty. So i’m using grep with regex but i can’t iterate properly.



# Run environment variables
export $(grep -v '^#' ${PWD}/.env | xargs)

# Step 1 : Get JWT Token
  --request POST "${URL_API}"/login 
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
  --header 'Accept: application/json' 
  -d '{"username": "'${API_USERNAME}'", "password": "'${API_PWD}'" }' 
  | sed -n 's|.*"token":"([^"]*)".*|1|p'

# Step 2 curl GET request and put it in json file
  --output test.json 
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
  --header 'Accept: application/json' 
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer '${TOKEN}'' 
  --request GET "${URL_API}"/sites/list?value="${PARAM}" 

Json response from API :

  "data": [
      "id": 212,
      "list": [

      "createdAt": "2023-02-09T15:47:38+01:00",
      "foo": "bar",
      "foo2": "ba2r",
  "metas": {
    "code": 200,
    "count": 1,
    "total": 5

I want as array type the result of "list" key.
I’m trying like this :

# Step 3 retrieve data in "list" sub-key in json
TEST=$(grep -zoP '"list":s*K[^s]*(?=s*,)' test.json)
echo ${TEST}

Display :

> scripts/ line 35: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input

How can parse this as array for doing something like this :

# step 4 iterate
IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$TEST"
for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do
  echo $i




  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Helped with @Paul Hodges solution i've found a way added with this link


    # Paul Hodges solution above
    LIST=$(sed -nE 'H; ${x; s/[ n]+//g; s/^.*"list":[/[/;s/].*/]/;p;}' test.json)
    # Link
    borkstring=$(echo $LIST | sed -e 's/[//g' -e 's/]//g' -e 's/, //g')
    IFS=',' read -ra arr <<< "$borkstring"
    for i in ${arr[@]}; do
        echo "value: "$VALUE

    Result :

    value: value1
    value: value2
    value: value3
    value: value4

    And it's ok. maybe my code can be beautify more again :)

  2. Use while read construction:

    while read -r line; do
        [[ $line =~ list ]] && { add_to__list=true; continue; }
        [[ $add_to__list ]] && {
            [[ $line =~ ], ]] && break
            list+=( "${line//[",]}" )
    done < json.file
    echo "${list[@]}"


    value1 value2 value3 value4
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  3. With sed, using a file as input –

    $: sed -nE 'H; ${x; s/[ n]+//g; s/^.*"list":[/[/;s/].*/]/;p;}' file

    This works even if the file has no embedded spaces or newlines.


    -nE just stacks -n and -E.
    -n says no output unless explicitly requested.
    -E ues Extended pattern matching, so you don’t have to backslash-quote your square brackets.

    In the actual command list,
    H; stacks each line of input onto the Hold buffer.
    No other commands are executed on any line but the last.

    ${...} means "on the last line, do these commands…"

    x exchanges the input buffer and the Hold buffer, putting all those lines you saved into the workspace.

    s/[ n]+//g will substitute spaces and newlines with nothing globally across the buffer, stacking it all into one long line with any spaces removed.

    s/^.*"list":[/[/ says replace everything from the start(^) through the literal list:[ with just [.

    s/].*/]/ says replace everything from the remaining first [ on with just ].

    p will print the workspace buffer, which at this point should just be the data you asked for.

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