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I want to serialize a list of objects using jsonpickle. Each of these objects contains a list of objects within them:

class ImageManipulationConfiguration:
    region_list = []
    def to_json(self):
        return jsonpickle.encode(self.region_list, indent=4,
                                 separators=(',', ': '))

here, region_list contains objects of this class:

class ImageManipulationRegion:
    image_manipulation_element_list = []

Inside image_manipulation_element_list, there are objects of class inheriting this class:

class ImageManipulationElement

When I call my to_json function, only the top level items in the region_list are serialized, the sub object within the image_manipulation_element_list lists are not included. Is there a way to recursively include everything using jsonpickle?



  1. you can use the unpicklable parameter in jsonpickle to recursively include all objects. Set the unpicklable parameter to True when calling jsonpickle.encode to include all objects, even those that are not directly referenced by the top-level object.

    hre’s how you can modify your to_json method:

    import jsonpickle
    class ImageManipulationConfiguration:
        region_list = []
        def to_json(self):
            return jsonpickle.encode(self.region_list, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), unpicklable=True)

    this should include all objects within region_list, including the sub-objects within image_manipulation_element_list.

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  2. Yes, you can achieve recursive serialization of objects using jsonpickle by customizing the serialization process for each of your classes. To do this, you’ll need to define a custom handler for each class that specifies how to serialize its instances and their nested objects.

    Here’s how you can achieve this for your classes:

    Define custom handlers for each class:

    import jsonpickle
    class ImageManipulationConfiguration:
        region_list = []
        def to_json(self):
            return jsonpickle.encode(self.region_list, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
    class ImageManipulationRegion:
        image_manipulation_element_list = []
    class ImageManipulationElement:
    def encode_ImageManipulationConfiguration(obj):
        return {
            'region_list': obj.region_list
    def encode_ImageManipulationRegion(obj):
        return {
            'image_manipulation_element_list': obj.image_manipulation_element_list
    def encode_ImageManipulationElement(obj):
        # Define how to serialize ImageManipulationElement objects if needed
    # Register custom handlers
    jsonpickle.handlers.registry.register(ImageManipulationConfiguration, encode_ImageManipulationConfiguration)
    jsonpickle.handlers.registry.register(ImageManipulationRegion, encode_ImageManipulationRegion)
    jsonpickle.handlers.registry.register(ImageManipulationElement, encode_ImageManipulationElement)

    Now, when you call to_json on an instance of ImageManipulationConfiguration, it will include the custom serialization logic for each class:

    config = ImageManipulationConfiguration()
    # Populate config.region_list with instances of ImageManipulationRegion and nested ImageManipulationElement objects
    json_string = config.to_json()

    By providing custom serialization logic for each class, you can make sure that nested objects are properly serialized when you call to_json. This allows you to achieve recursive serialization with jsonpickle.

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  3. Answer :-

    1. Use max_depth=4

    2. And change separaters
      Lile below.

    def to_json(self):
        return jsonpickle.encode(self.region_list, indent=4,
                                     separators=(', ', ': '),max_depth=4)
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  4. jsonpickle can recurse complex, nested objects and serialize them. But in order for jsonpickle to output the complete hierarchy of the object serialization, these objects must be instance variables and not class variables. Your current configuration shares the class variables of region_list and image_manipulation_element_list between all the instances of the class. They should be converted to instance variables.

    modified version of your classes that will allow jsonpickle to serialize data properly.

    import jsonpickle
    class ImageManipulationElement:
        def __init__(self, prop1, prop2):
            self.prop1 = prop1
            self.prop2 = prop2
    class ImageManipulationRegion:
        def __init__(self):
            self.image_manipulation_element_list = []
        def add_element(self, element):
    class ImageManipulationConfiguration:
        def __init__(self):
            self.region_list = []
        def add_region(self, region):
        def to_json(self):
            return jsonpickle.encode(self, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
    config = ImageManipulationConfiguration()
    region = ImageManipulationRegion()
    element = ImageManipulationElement("value1", "value2")
    json_data = config.to_json()
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  5. Yes, you can use the jsonpickle.set_encoder_options function to set the indent and separators parameters for all future encodes.

    import jsonpickle
    from jsonpickle.picklers.base import Pickler
    from jsonpickle.util import encode
    class ImageManipulationConfiguration:
    region_list = []
     def to_json(self):
        return encode(self.region_list, Pickler, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
    class ImageManipulationRegion:
    image_manipulation_element_list = []
    class ImageManipulationElement:
    jsonpickle.set_encoder_options('json', indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
    immc = ImageManipulationConfiguration()

    This will output:

        "image_manipulation_element_list": [
                "__setstate__": null

    The sub-objects within image_manipulation_element_list are now included in the encoded JSON.

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