I am encountering this error and not able to fix the issue while installing
CondaVerificationError: The package for pytorch located at C:Userspinokiobinminicondapkgspytorch-1.12.1-py3.7_cuda11.6_cudnn8_0
appears to be corrupted. The path 'Lib/site-packages/caffe2/experiments/python/tt_pad_op_test.py'
specified in the package manifest cannot be found.
Ran the code, but not able to fix this issue while installing
Elangkumaran, it states that the package has been corrupted, and the path specified in the package manifest cannot be found. That means that your IDE’s system tried using the specified package above, but did not find it. Try setting the package manifest to a different path, or try reinstalling the package.
Try running this in your terminal (if you run on a Windows computer):
Doing this should fix your problem.
Did you tried reinstalling?
conda uninstall pytorch
pip uninstall torch
pip uninstall torch # run this command
conda install pytorch