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I have a program named which loads parameters from a configuration file called Config.json- is there a way in which I can run two instances of this same file parallely on Pycharm with different sets of configuration passed through Config.json.

Example: this is the Json file which is read into the Python file of Pycharm. I want various combinations of this to be run without one after the other, rather in parallel

"Traded Instrument": "STOCK",
"Start Date": "2019/01/01",
"End Date": "2022/12/20",
"Trade Start": "09:16",
"Trade End": "15:29",
"Trade End Scalp": "09:16",

I do not have clue how to get started with this, other than just using different machines, but I would need more than 3/4 instances at the same time by running



  1. I would suggest using multiprocessing. You can create a function that accepts a configuration dict and run it with different configs.

    from multiprocessing import Pool
    def runner(config: dict):
        # your logic
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        configs = [{...}, {...}, {...}]
        with Pool(len(configs)) as p:
  , configs)
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  2. I would say in your case it’s better to make a multi-thread wrapper, simply because threading uses the same memory space, and no awaiting or such is required, whereas multi-processing uses a different memory space.

    from threading import Thread
    def async(func: object):
        """ This is a decorator for async functions """
        def asyncFunction(*args, **kwargs):
            """ This is the wrapper function that will be returned """
            thread: Thread = Thread(target=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
            return thread
        return asyncFunction
    def runner(config: dict):
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        configs = [{...}, {...}, {...}]
        for i in range(len(configs)):

    NOTE: there is a drawback to using threading, where it is not memory safe (mostly), and you cannot interrupt the program when it is doing the processing, unless you make a sort of check inside the function.

    The program will look like this if you want it to work with keyboard interrupts:

    from threading import Thread
    KeyboardInterruptDetected = False # This is a global variable that will be used to stop the program
    def async(func: object):
        """ This is a decorator for async functions """
        def asyncFunction(*args, **kwargs):
            """ This is the wrapper function that will be returned """
            thread: Thread = Thread(target=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
            return thread
        return asyncFunction
    def runner(config: dict):
        if KeyboardInterruptDetected:
        ... # Do something.
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        configs = [{...}, {...}, {...}] # This is a list of the config dictionaries
            for config in configs:
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            KeyboardInterruptDetected = True
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