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I have a array that looks like this:

    "id": 1,
    "version": "2.3.4"
    "id": 2,
    "version": "1.4.4"
    "id": 3,
    "version": "0.0.4"
    "id": 4,
    "version": "1.3.4"

And I need to get all the objects where the version is "1.2.0".
I am interested in a built in way using JQ but I cannot find anything related. Maybe it does not exist?

I know I could do some ugly regex hack here, but what would be the right way to solve this so I can easily swap my condition so if instead of 1.2.0 maybe in a short time in the future lets say I want the objects with version greater than 1.2.7 for instance?



  1. You always have the option of parsing and implementing the comparisons. Make it as robust as needed.

    def parse_semver($with_op): capture(if $with_op then "(?<op>~)?" else "" end
        + "(?<major>\d+)\.(?<minor>\d+)(?:\.(?<patch>\d+))?"
        + "(?:-(?<prerelease>[A-Z0-9]+(?:\.[A-Z0-9]+)*))?"
        + "(?:\+(?<build>[A-Z0-9]+(?:\.[A-Z0-9]+)*))?"; "i")
        | (.major, .minor, .patch) |= (tonumber? // 0);
    def parse_semver: parse_semver(false);
    def cmp_semver($other): parse_semver as $a | ($other|parse_semver(true)) as $b
        # modified and simplified version of
        | if $a.major != $b.major then
            if $a.major > $b.major then 1 else -1 end
        elif $a.minor != $b.minor then
            if $a.minor > $b.minor then 1 else -1 end
        elif $a.patch != $b.patch then
            if $a.patch > $b.patch then 1 else -1 end
        elif $b.op == "~" then
        elif $a.prerelease != $b.prerelease then
            if $a.prerelease == null then 1
            elif $b.prerelease == null then -1
            elif $a.prerelease > $b.prerelease then 1 else -1 end
        elif $ != $ then
            if $ > $ then 1 else -1 end

    Then utilize the new comparison function:

    $ jq 'map(select(.version | cmp_semver("1.2.0") == 0))' input.json
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  2. If you need to get all the objects where the version is "1.2.0", you can use string comparison :

    jq --arg target 1.2.0 '
        map(select(.version == $target))' input.json

    If you want the objects with version greater than 1.2.7, then:

    jq --arg target 1.2.7 '
        def triple($i): $i | [splits("[.-]") | tonumber? // .];
        map(select(triple(.version) > triple($target)))' input.json
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  3. I know I could do some ugly regex hack here

    You could also use a simple regex hack if the semver strings do not need to be checked for correctness. For example, consider the following:

    # Recognize 1.0.1-alpha as [1,0,1,"alpha"]
    def semver: [scan("[^-.]+") | tonumber? // .];

    Since a valid semver string always has three components, none of which can have superfluous leading zeros, and since jq’s built-in ordering is so friendly (as per the comment by @A.H.), semver as defined above should make it quite easy to compare valid semver strings. However, since the spec requires that "pre-release" < "release", for non-trivial semantic version strings, some care is required:

    # Compare two semver arrays ensuring in particular that:
    # pre-release < release
    # identifiers with letters or hyphens are compared lexically in ASCII sort order;
    # numeric identifiers always have lower precedence than non-numeric identifiers.
    def semver_less_than($array):
      if .[:3] == $array[:3] and length > 3 and ($array|length) == 3 then true
      else . < $array

    Since your example only has trivial semver specs, we could get away with:

    # Filter for finding .version greater than 1.2.7 
    ("1.2.7" | semver) as $v
    | map(select( (.version|semver) > $v))

    Caveat: I’m no expert on semantic versioning, and it’s quite likely the above needs some improvement. Tweak suggestions would be welcome.

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