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Here is my deploy input

  "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
  "kind": "Deployment",
  "spec": {
    "replicas": 1,
    "selector": {
      "matchLabels": {
        "io.kompose.service": "item-api"
    "strategy": {
      "type": "Recreate"
    "template": {
      "spec": {
        "containers": [
            "env": [
                "name": "APP_JWTSECRET",
                "valueFrom": {
                  "configMapKeyRef": {
                    "key": "APP_JWTSECRET",
                    "name": "item-api-env"
                "name": "SPRING_DATASOURCE_BASEXML_JDBCURL",
                "valueFrom": {
                  "configMapKeyRef": {
                    "key": "SPRING_DATASOURCE_BASEXML_JDBCURL",
                    "name": "item-api-env"

For each item into env, I’d like to transform the configMapKeyRef into secretKeyRefif name contains (SECRET|PASSWORD|KEY) pattern and then replace the secretKeyRef name by the key name into lowcase.

for example:

                "name": "APP_JWTSECRET",
                "valueFrom": {
                  "configMapKeyRef": {
                    "key": "APP_JWTSECRET",
                    "name": "item-api-env"

would be transformed into

                "name": "APP_JWTSECRET",
                "valueFrom": {
                  "secretKeyRef": {
                    "key": "APP_JWTSECRET",
                    "name": "app-jwtsecret"

I tried some kind of manipulation with with_entries without any success:

jq -r '.spec.template.spec.containers[].env[]|with_entries(.key |test(PASSWORD|SECRET))'



  1. One way to use jq would be to do below.

    .spec.template.spec.containers[].env[] |= {name} + 
    if .name | test("SECRET|PASSWORD|KEY") then 
        .valueFrom |= ( 
                if .key == "configMapKeyRef" then .key = "secretKeyRef" end | 
                    .value |= {key} + {name: .key|ascii_downcase}

    jqplay demo –

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    • Navigate to the desired locations: .spec.template.spec.containers[].env[]?
    • Filter for those matching your criteria: select(.name | test("SECRET|PASSWORD|KEY"))
    • Take those results and go deeper: (…).valueFrom
    • Update it with access to .key and .value: |= with_entries(…)
    • Only if the key matches that name: select(.key == "configMapKeyRef") |= …
    • By redefining key and value: {key: "secretKeyRef", value: …}
    • The new value is based on the previous value, and assigns the lowercase key to name: .value | .name = (.key | ascii_downcase)
        | select(.name | test("SECRET|PASSWORD|KEY"))
    .valueFrom |= with_entries(select(.key == "configMapKeyRef") |= {
        key: "secretKeyRef", value: (.value | .name = (.key | ascii_downcase))
      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
      "kind": "Deployment",
      "spec": {
        "replicas": 1,
        "selector": {
          "matchLabels": {
            "io.kompose.service": "item-api"
        "strategy": {
          "type": "Recreate"
        "template": {
          "spec": {
            "containers": [
                "env": [
                    "name": "APP_JWTSECRET",
                    "valueFrom": {
                      "secretKeyRef": {
                        "key": "APP_JWTSECRET",
                        "name": "app_jwtsecret"
                    "name": "SPRING_DATASOURCE_BASEXML_JDBCURL",
                    "valueFrom": {
                      "configMapKeyRef": {
                        "key": "SPRING_DATASOURCE_BASEXML_JDBCURL",
                        "name": "item-api-env"


    Note: I regarded the change from app_jwtsecret to app-jwtsecret a typo.

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  2. Here’s one way you could do it. The containers and env array are rewritten with the desired modification, or kept "as is" if the condition isn’t met.

    |= map(
         |= map(
              if (.name|test("SECRET|PASSWORD|KEY"))
              then .valueFrom
                |= with_entries(.key="secretKeyRef"
              else .
        )? // .

    Try it on

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