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I have this type of array in the angular 14

        "parentItem": "WBP258R",
        "childItem": "WBP258R",
        "columnName": "Color",
        "oldValue": "Rainbow",
        "newValue": "Rainbow1"
        "parentItem": "WBP258R",
        "childItem": "WBP258R",
        "columnName": "Pg #",
        "oldValue": "4",
        "newValue": "44"
        "parentItem": "WBP258R",
        "childItem": "WBP258R",
        "columnName": "Status",
        "oldValue": "New",
        "newValue": "Rev"

And i want this data to be convert as below format. basically the column values to be turned to the property name.

"parentItem": "WBP258R",
"childItem": "WBP258R",
"Color": "Rainbow",
"Color_newValue": "Rainbow1",
"Pg #": "4",
"Pg #"_newValue": "44",
"Status_newValue": "Rev",

looking for help
Thanks in advance



  1. You could use Array.reduce() for this purpose.

            "parentItem": "WBP258R",
            "childItem": "WBP258R",
            "columnName": "Color",
            "oldValue": "Rainbow",
            "newValue": "Rainbow1"
            "parentItem": "WBP258R",
            "childItem": "WBP258R",
            "columnName": "Pg #",
            "oldValue": "4",
            "newValue": "44"
            "parentItem": "WBP258R",
            "childItem": "WBP258R",
            "columnName": "Status",
            "oldValue": "New",
            "newValue": "Rev"
    ].reduce((acc, val) => {
            acc['parentItem'] = val['parentItem'];
            acc['childItem'] = val['childItem'];
        acc[val['columnName']] = val['oldValue'];
        acc[`${val['columnName']}_newValue`] = val['newValue'];
        return acc;    
    }, {})
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  2. const inputArray = [
            "parentItem": "WBP258R",
            "childItem": "WBP258R",
            "columnName": "Color",
            "oldValue": "Rainbow",
            "newValue": "Rainbow1"
            "parentItem": "WBP258R",
            "childItem": "WBP258R",
            "columnName": "Pg #",
            "oldValue": "4",
            "newValue": "44"
            "parentItem": "WBP258R",
            "childItem": "WBP258R",
            "columnName": "Status",
            "oldValue": "New",
            "newValue": "Rev"
    function transformArray(array) {
        const result = {};
        array.forEach(item => {
            const columnName = item.columnName;
            const baseKey = columnName.replace(/s+/g, ''); // Remove spaces for property names
            result[baseKey] = item.oldValue;
            result[`${baseKey}_newValue`] = item.newValue;
        result.parentItem = array[0].parentItem; // Add non-column properties
        result.childItem = array[0].childItem; // Add non-column properties
        return result;
    const outputObject = transformArray(inputArray);
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