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Running the below:

$ echo '["lorem", "ipsum", "dolor"]' | jq '. | contains(["rem"])' 

returns true because "rem" is a substring of "lorem". I would like a whole word match, which would disqualify "rem" and only allow one of the three values in the input.

$ echo '["lorem", "ipsum", "dolor"]' | jq 'select(. | index("rem"))'

returns nothing at all, but jq exits cleanly. I would have expected a false.

How do I get a boolean value for whole word match?



  1. You want to receive true if any (=at least one) of the items equals (==) a given value:

    $ echo '["lorem", "ipsum", "dolor"]' | jq 'any(. == "lorem")'
    $ echo '["lorem", "ipsum", "dolor"]' | jq 'any(. == "rem")'

    In other words, you want to receive true if a given value is contained IN a set of items .[]:

    $ echo '["lorem", "ipsum", "dolor"]' | jq 'IN(.[]; "lorem")'
    $ echo '["lorem", "ipsum", "dolor"]' | jq 'IN(.[]; "rem")'
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  2. I’ve tripped over this many times before as well, as you’d expect it to work like this out of the box.

    But the answer (if you’re after a chainable exit code) is: use the -e flag, which, according to man jq:

    Sets the exit status of jq to 0 if the last output values was
    neither false nor null, 1 if the last output value was either false or
    null, or 4 if no valid result was ever produced. Normally jq
    exits with 2 if there was any usage problem or system error, 3 if
    there was a jq program compile error, or 0 if the jq program ran.

    So you’d want jq -e 'select(. | index("rem"))'

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