I am trying to send a message to myself containing a PDF file stored in Onedrive through Whatsapp API but I am getting the following jpg format:
Oddly enough, when I check Whatsapp Web the same message shows correctly:
What am I doing wrong?
I followed the official documentation and uploaded the media with the following values:
This returns me the id:
"id": "7054xxxxxxxxxxx"
Finally, I proceed to send the messsage using that same id:
"messaging_product": "whatsapp",
"to": "{{Recipient-Phone-Number}}",
"type": "document",
"document": {
"id": "7054xxxxxxxxxxx",
"caption": "Hello, here is today's Daily Report",
"filename": "dailyreport.pdf"
Also, I tried retrieving the media URL and got the following output:
"url": "https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/whatsapp_business/attachments/?mid=705479771132690&ext=1670800000&hash=ATvvKq-JEv6kn0bW7kq8SXy00yD1BLX_MMbOK-xxxxxx",
"mime_type": "image/jpeg",
"sha256": "067e1ac9488efc068dbb1ee4a35ae30c1dec575a70a4dcd77f6cbdc396615912",
"file_size": 1912582,
"id": "705479771132690",
"messaging_product": "whatsapp"
I guess "mime_type" should be "application_pdf" instead of "image/jpeg". I have no idea why it would say it is an image.
I am pretty new with this so it may be a simple mistake I am not seeing.
Thank you in advanced for your help!
Try setting the header as content-type not just type:
This is a working example to send a pdf:
You are supposed to set "type" to the media type you’re posting.
See details of supported media types, and limitations, here: