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I’m trying to replace a text in my .qml file with a json data.
In my .qml file I have the following:

       **text: qsTr("J1-25")**
       anchors.right: tc1.left
       anchors.rightMargin: 20
       anchors.verticalCenter: tc1.verticalCenter
       color: "white"
       font.pointSize: 10

I created the .json file with the following info:

      {"id": "1", "pin": "J2-21"},
      {"id": "2", "pin": "J2-22"},
      {"id": "3", "pin": "J2-23"},
      {"id": "4", "pin": "J2-24"},
      {"id": "5", "pin": "J2-25"},
      {"id": "6", "pin": "J2-26"}
      {"id": "1", "pin": "J1-21"},
      {"id": "2", "pin": "J1-22"},
      {"id": "3", "pin": "J1-23"},
      {"id": "4", "pin": "J1-24"},
      **{"id": "5", "pin": "J1-25"},**
      {"id": "6", "pin": "J1-26"}

How do I replace the text in my .qml with true current data in .json file (both in bold)?

JsonLoader {
    id: jsonLoader

    filePath: ":/example.json"


    text: jsonLoader.jsonObject["truecurrent"]["5"]  //text: qsTr("J1-25")
    anchors.right: tc1.left
    anchors.rightMargin: 20
    anchors.verticalCenter: tc1.verticalCenter
    color: "white"
    font.pointSize: 10



  1. You can use the JavaScript JSON parser. Here an example with a fixed string. You can load the string from file.

    function getData() {        
        // TODO: get the json string from file
        let data = "{
                {"id": "1", "pin": "J2-21"},
                {"id": "2", "pin": "J2-22"},
                {"id": "3", "pin": "J2-23"},
                {"id": "4", "pin": "J2-24"},
                {"id": "5", "pin": "J2-25"},
                {"id": "6", "pin": "J2-26"}
                {"id": "1", "pin": "J1-21"},
                {"id": "2", "pin": "J1-22"},
                {"id": "3", "pin": "J1-23"},
                {"id": "4", "pin": "J1-24"},
                {"id": "5", "pin": "J1-25"},
                {"id": "6", "pin": "J1-26"}
        // parse with JavaScript JSON parser
        return JSON.parse(data);
    property var jsonData : getData();
        anchors.fill: parent
        // access JSON data entries
        text: "Pin: " + jsonData.truecurrent[5].pin;
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  2. You can use XMLHttpRequest to load both HTTP and FILE resources. In the following, if I declare data.json and place it in the same folder as my QML source file, I can use XMLHttpRequest with a relative reference to pick it up. You will be required to set
    "QML_XHR_ALLOW_FILE_READ" environment variable to "1" since without it, access to local files will be prevented in the latest versions of Qt.

    Using this technique, you can create your own JsonLoader object as follows:

    import QtQuick
    import QtQuick.Controls
    import QtQuick.Layouts
    Page {
        id: page
        JsonLoader {
            id: jsonLoader
            source: "data.json"
        ColumnLayout {
            spacing: 20
            Label { text: "pin" }
                text: jsonLoader.jsonObject.truecurrent[5].pin // J1-26
            Label { text: "json" }
            ListView {
                Layout.preferredHeight: contentHeight
                model: jsonLoader.jsonObject.truecurrent
                delegate: ItemDelegate {
    text: `id: ${} pin: ${}`
    // JsonLoader.qml
    import QtQuick
    import QtQuick.Controls
    Item { 
        property url source
        onSourceChanged: load(source)
        property string text
        property var jsonObject
        function load(url) {
            let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  "GET", url); 
            xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
                if (xhr.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
                text = xhr.responseText;
                jsonObject = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
    // data.json
            {"id": "1", "pin": "J2-21"},
            {"id": "2", "pin": "J2-22"},
            {"id": "3", "pin": "J2-23"},
            {"id": "4", "pin": "J2-24"},
            {"id": "5", "pin": "J2-25"},
            {"id": "6", "pin": "J2-26"}
            {"id": "1", "pin": "J1-21"},
            {"id": "2", "pin": "J1-22"},
            {"id": "3", "pin": "J1-23"},
            {"id": "4", "pin": "J1-24"},
            {"id": "5", "pin": "J1-25"},
            {"id": "6", "pin": "J1-26"}

    You can Try it Online!

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