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I have spent the last 4 hours combing all over the internet for advice and ideas on how to capture a string of interest so that I can pipe it into a variable inside of a bash script for use later in the script.

I have run out of all ideas on how to do this.

I simply want to use jq to get the following string as it’s output when using the following json file as the file input.

I need to capture the string

"browser_download_url": ""

specifically the value part

For those who agree with me that the code I have posted below is rediculous in size please see the following GitHub link that will take you right to the line I want to capture.

GitHub: Line 171

The only successes I have had besides no output being found are a few commands like

jq '.[].url' github.json
jq '.[3].url' github.json
jq '.[9][]' github.json

As is obvious I am stupefied and really need some of you guys advice and good help that comes with posting here.

ANY ideas would make my whole day!

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  1. The desired string is the last produced by:

    | objects
    | select(has("browser_download_url"))
    | .browser_download_url

    so in the absence of more detailed requirements, I’ll go with wrapping this in last():

    last( .... )
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  2. Here’s another way to do it using tostream.

    [ tostream
    | select(.[0][-1] == "browser_download_url" and .[1])
    | .[-1] ]
    | last

    Try it on

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