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I need to do this with Oracle 19c.

I have arbitrary json data in a column of a table.
I mean, I dont know the names of attributes, not even the deep the data is…
Suppose that I can identify the json objects in witch I am interested because all of them have an "id", "type", "text", and "call" attributes, but I dont know if is the root object or is under any other object, even in any array of any other object.

I want to do a query that finds in a json field, if it contains the object with type=t, text=x, and call=c.
It seems easy to find if there is an objects that have any of them have type=t, others have text=x, and others have call=c (but not consistently of the same object)

WITH Data AS (
    SELECT '1' AS id, '{id:"1",type:"menu",text:"option1",call:"option1()"}' AS json FROM DUAL   UNION ALL
    -- next Select 2a- .. from dual, all in one line, formated only for better view:
    SELECT '2-onlySubElements' AS id, 
                    subElements:[{id:"2.1.1",type:"menu",text:"option2.1.1",call:"option211()"} ]},
          }' AS json FROM DUAL   UNION ALL
    -- next Select 2b-mix .. from dual, all in one line, formated only for better view:
    SELECT '2b-mixOfInnerElements' AS id, 
                    innerElements:[{id:"2.1.1",type:"menu",text:"option2.1.1",call:"option211()"} ]},        
          }' AS json FROM DUAL   UNION ALL
    SELECT '0' AS id, '{id:"0",type:"label",text:"label0"}' AS json FROM DUAL
SELECT rownum, JSON_VALUE(json,'$.type'), a.*
FROM Data a
   -- uncomment one of the following options:
    -- json_exists(json, '$?(@..type=="menu" && @..text=="option2" &&"option21()" )');  -- BAD. it says exists, but attributes are not of the same element.
    -- json_exists(json, '$.subElements[*]?(@.type=="menu" && @.text=="option2.1" &&"option21()" )'); --NOT GOOD: This finds consistent elements in '2a-onlySubElements' and '2b-mixOfInnerElements'. But it needs the path.
    -- json_exists(json, '$.subElements[*].subElements[*]?(@.type=="menu" && @.text=="option2.1.1" &&"option211()" )'); --NOT GOOD: This finds one consistent element in '2a-onlySubElements'. But it needs the path
    -- json_exists(json, '$.subElements[*]?(@.type=="menu" && @.text=="option2.1.1" &&"option211()" )'); --BAD: This finds nothing (the path is not good)

How can I find a consistent object independently of where the object is inside of the root, or even if the object is the root?

Thank you.

(if this is not possible with oracle19, it could be possible with oracle21? Only to know, but I cant change oracle version)



  1. Using json_dataguide you get the list of paths per id containing objects having the 4 fields (id, type, text, call):

    WITH Data AS (
        SELECT '1' AS id, '{id:"1",type:"menu",text:"option1",call:"option1()"}' AS json FROM DUAL   UNION ALL
        -- next Select 2a- .. from dual, all in one line, formated only for better view:
        SELECT '2-onlySubElements' AS id, 
                        subElements:[{id:"2.1.1",type:"menu",text:"option2.1.1",call:"option211()"} ]},
              }' AS json FROM DUAL   UNION ALL
        -- next Select 2b-mix .. from dual, all in one line, formated only for better view:
        SELECT '2b-mixOfInnerElements' AS id, 
                        innerElements:[{id:"2.1.1",type:"menu",text:"option2.1.1",call:"option211()"} ]},        
              }' AS json FROM DUAL   UNION ALL
        SELECT '0' AS id, '{id:"0",type:"label",text:"label0"}' AS json FROM DUAL
    guides AS (
        SELECT id, json_dataguide(json) AS guide
        FROM Data a group by id
    , paths AS (
        SELECT id, t.pth
        FROM guides g,
                columns (
                    pth  PATH '$."o:path"'
            ) t
    SELECT id, substr(pth,1, instr(pth, '.', -1)) AS subpath
    FROM paths t
        t.pth LIKE '%type' 
        OR t.pth LIKE '%id' 
        OR t.pth LIKE '%text' 
        OR t.pth LIKE '%call' 
    GROUP BY id, substr(pth,1, instr(pth, '.', -1)) having(count(*) = 4)
    2b-mixOfInnerElements   $.subElements.
    2b-mixOfInnerElements   $.subElements.innerElements.
    2-onlySubElements   $.
    2-onlySubElements   $.subElements.
    2-onlySubElements   $.subElements.subElements.
    2b-mixOfInnerElements   $.
    1   $.

    To go further you will need to write PL/SQL code because you can’t use expressions in JSON functions like json_table for PATH accepting only constants, so you will need to use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE.

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  2. Example of whole solution:

    create table t_data77881961 (
        id varchar2(32),
        json clob check (json is json)
    insert into t_data77881961
       SELECT '1' AS id, '{id:"1",type:"menu",text:"option1",call:"option1()"}' AS json FROM DUAL   UNION ALL
        -- next Select 2a- .. from dual, all in one line, formated only for better view:
        SELECT '2-onlySubElements' AS id, 
                        subElements:[{id:"2.1.1",type:"menu",text:"option2.1.1",call:"option211()"} ]},
              }' AS json FROM DUAL   UNION ALL
        -- next Select 2b-mix .. from dual, all in one line, formated only for better view:
        SELECT '2b-mixOfInnerElements' AS id, 
                        innerElements:[{id:"2.1.1",type:"menu",text:"option2.1.1",call:"option211()"} ]},        
              }' AS json FROM DUAL   UNION ALL
        SELECT '0' AS id, '{id:"0",type:"label",text:"label0"}' AS json FROM DUAL
    create type t_77881961_result as object (
        obj_id      varchar2(32),
        item_id     varchar2(32),
        item_type   varchar2(32),
        item_text   varchar2(32),
        item_call   varchar2(32)
    create type t_77881961_result_tab as table of t_77881961_result;
    RETURN t_77881961_result_tab
        v_sql   VARCHAR2(32400);
        v_cursor    SYS_REFCURSOR ;
        v_result    t_77881961_result := t_77881961_result(null, null, null, null, null);
        WITH guides AS (
            SELECT id, json_dataguide(json) AS guide
            FROM t_data77881961 a group by id
        paths AS (
            SELECT id, t.pth
            FROM guides g,
                columns (
                    pth  PATH '$."o:path"'
            ) t
        colsexpressions(id, subpath, rn, rnd, lvl, colexpr) as (
            SELECT id, substr(subpath,1, length(subpath)-1) || '[*]' as subpath, rn, rnd, lvl, q'~columns (
                    ~' || lvl || q'~id PATH '$.id',
                    ~' || lvl || q'~text PATH '$.text',
                    ~' || lvl || q'~type PATH '$.type',
                    ~' || lvl || q'~call PATH '$.call'~' AS colexpr
            FROM (
                SELECT id, subpath, row_number() over(PARTITION BY id ORDER BY LENGTH(subpath)) AS rn,
                    row_number() over(PARTITION BY id ORDER BY LENGTH(subpath) DESC) AS rnd,
                    'L' || row_number() over(PARTITION BY id ORDER BY LENGTH(subpath)) || '_' AS lvl
                FROM (
                    SELECT id, substr(pth,1, instr(pth, '.', -1)) AS subpath
                    FROM paths t
                        t.pth LIKE '%type' 
                        OR t.pth LIKE '%id' 
                        OR t.pth LIKE '%text' 
                        OR t.pth LIKE '%call' 
                    GROUP BY id, substr(pth,1, instr(pth, '.', -1)) having(count(*) = 4)
        subpaths(subpath, ids) as (
            SELECT subpath, LISTAGG( '''' || id || '''', ',') FROM colsexpressions c1 GROUP BY c1.subpath
        sqls(lvl, sql) as (
            select --, c.subpath, c.lvl,
            distinct c.lvl,
                'SELECT, t.' || lvl || 'ID,  t.' || lvl || 'TYPE,  t.' || lvl || 'TEXT,  t.' || lvl || 'CALL'
                || q'~
            FROM t_data77881961 d, json_table(
                '~' || c.subpath || q'~'
                ~' || c.colexpr || q'~
            ) t
            WHERE IN (~' ||
            s.ids || 
            as sql
            from colsexpressions c
            join subpaths s on s.subpath = c.subpath
        SELECT LISTAGG(sql, q'~
        UNION ALL
        ~') WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY lvl) INTO v_sql
        FROM sqls
        OPEN v_cursor FOR v_sql;
            FETCH v_cursor INTO v_result.obj_id, v_result.item_id, v_result.item_type, v_result.item_text, v_result.item_call;
            EXIT WHEN v_cursor%NOTFOUND;
            PIPE ROW ( v_result );
        END LOOP ;
        CLOSE v_cursor;
        RETURN ;
    END ;
    select * from f_data77881961() ;
    OBJ_ID                           ITEM_ID                          ITEM_TYPE                        ITEM_TEXT                        ITEM_CALL                       
    -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
    1                                1                                menu                             option1                          option1()                       
    2-onlySubElements                2a                               menu                             option2                          option2()                       
    2b-mixOfInnerElements            2b                               menu                             option3                          option3()                       
    2-onlySubElements                2.1                              menu                             option2.1                        option21()                      
    2-onlySubElements                2.2                              menu                             option2.2                        option22()                      
    2b-mixOfInnerElements            2.1                              menu                             option2.1                        option21()                      
    2b-mixOfInnerElements            2.2                              menu                             option2.2                        option22()                      
    2b-mixOfInnerElements            2.1.1                            menu                             option2.1.1                      option211()                     
    2-onlySubElements                2.1.1                            menu                             option2.1.1                      option211()                     
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