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I have below JSON string as a column in a pyspark dataframe.

      "timeStamp":"2023-08-14 14:00:12",

I want to explode the above one into multiple columns without hardcoding the schema.

I tried using schema_of_json to generate schema from the json string.

df_decoded = df_decoded.withColumn("json_column", F.when(F.col("value").isNotNull(), F.col("value")).otherwise("{}"))

# Infer the schema using schema_of_json
json_schema ="json_column"))).collect()[0][0]

df_decoded is my dataframe and value is my json string column name.

But it is giving me the below error –

AnalysisException: cannot resolve 'schema_of_json(json_column)' due to data type mismatch: The input json should be a foldable string expression and not null; however, got json_column.;

My expected output –
enter image description here



  1. Does this start you on the way ?

    import json
    import pandas as pd
    j = '''{
          "timeStamp":"2023-08-14 14:00:12",
    text_json = json.loads(j)
    result=text_json.get("result", "")
    print(result.get("version", ""))
    results = [result["version"], result["timeStamp"], result["description"], result["data"], result["tn"] ]
    df = pd.DataFrame(results).transpose()

    I don’t have a real app to play with
    .transpose() is the change.
    This person has a complex answer for grouping and filtering that might help too.

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  2. Use sparks inference engine to get the schema of json column then cast the json column to struct then use select expression to explode the struct fields as columns

    schema = r: r['value'])).schema
    result = df.withColumn('value', F.from_json('value', schema)).select('*', 'value.result.*')

    |               value|                data|description|          timeStamp| tn|version|
    |{{{2023-08-14T14:...|{2023-08-14T14:00...|           |2023-08-14 14:00:12|aaa|    1.2|
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