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I have a pandas dataframe where 2 columns are nested column having decimal value: df.tail(1).to_dict('list') gives this kind of data

 {'nested_col1': [array([{'key1': 'CO', 'key2': Decimal('8.940000000')}],
  dtype=object)], 'nested_col2': [array([{'key3': 'CO', 'key4': 'P14', 'key5': Decimal('8.940000000'), 'key6': None}],

I am trying to explode the dataframe with this:

df = (df.drop(cols, axis=1)
            [pd.json_normalize(df[x].explode(), errors='ignore').applymap(
                lambda x: str(x) if isinstance(x, (int, float)) else x).add_prefix(f'{x}.') for x in

With this I am getting below error in some cases:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 365, in <module>
    df = prepare_data(data, transaction_id, cohort_no)
  File "", line 274, in prepare_data
    df = flatten_dataframe(cols_to_explode, df)
  File "", line 204, in flatten_dataframe
    df1 = pd.concat([pd.json_normalize(df[c].explode()) for c in cols],
  File "", line 204, in <listcomp>
    df1 = pd.concat([pd.json_normalize(df[c].explode()) for c in cols],
  File "/project1/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/io/json/", line 270, in _json_normalize
    if any([isinstance(x, dict) for x in y.values()] for y in data):
  File "/project1/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/io/json/", line 270, in <genexpr>
    if any([isinstance(x, dict) for x in y.values()] for y in data):
AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'values'
failed to run commands: exit status 1

anything still I am missing here or any better way to do the same?

Expected Output should be:

nested_col1.key1,nested_col1.key2 nested_col2.key3 ... like this




  1. It seems there is only one element for each nested column:

    out = pd.concat([pd.json_normalize(df[x][0]).add_prefix(f'{x}.') 
                         for x in cols], axis=1)
    out = out.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce').fillna(out)
    # Output
      nested_col1.key1  nested_col1.key2 nested_col2.key3 nested_col2.key4  nested_col2.key5 nested_col2.key6
    0               CO              8.94               CO              P14              8.94             None

    Note: you can replace [0] by .explode() if you have more than one record in each nested list.

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  2. You can use json_normalize and concat:

    cols = ['nested_col1', 'nested_col2']
    out = pd.concat([pd.json_normalize(df[c].explode()) for c in cols],
                    keys=cols, axis=1)
    out.columns ='.'.join)


      nested_col1.key1 nested_col1.key2 nested_col2.key3 nested_col2.key4 nested_col2.key5 nested_col2.key6
    0               CO      8.940000000               CO              P14      8.940000000             None
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