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I am using Quickbase Pipelines to pull data from a REST API and save it into a table. The flow of the pipeline is:

B. Fetch JSON
C. Prepare Bulk Record Upsert
D. Iterate over JSON records
For each JSON Handler - JSON Objects (D) Do
    E. Add Bulk Upsert Row
F. Commit Upsert

In the "Add a Bulk Upsert Row" step I am mapping fields from my table to properties of incoming JSON records.

I am facing a challenge around "custom fields" in my JSON records. There are fields where instead of simply appearing as "key": "value" pairs in JSON, they appear in a nested array similar to this:

"custom_fields": [
        "key": "street",
        "value": "foo",
        "key": "city",
        "value": "bar",
        "key": "state",
        "value": "baz",

I’ve been able to extract specific values by their key from this structure using this Jinja code block inside my upsert step:

{% for field in d.custom_fields %}
{% if field['key'] == 'street' %}
    {{ field['value'] }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

This works well for Text-type fields but this technique fails when trying to get a JSON array value into a Multi-Select Text-type field.

When I use the a Jinja code block like the one above to parse this bit of JSON:

"custom_fields": [
        "key": "choices",
        "value": [

I get these 3 values in my Multi-Select Text field: [u'foo', u'bar' and u'baz'].

It’s as if Quickbase / Jinja are parsing the value from JSON as a literal string rather than an array.

My question is – How can I get the above JSON value to be transformed into the correct choices: foo, bar and baz?

Update: Having examined the activity logs for the pipeline, I’ve found that the JSON Object that QB derived from the actual JSON has the value as "[u'foo', u'bar', u'baz']" – a string – which explains the odd values ending up in the table field. Might this be a bug?

I’ve also found that the same JSON Object has a copy of itself under the property raw_record and in that copy the value is a sensible ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']. I’ve not been able, however, to make use of the raw_record in my Jinja templates.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I've found a workaround based on my understanding that Quickbase Pipelines makes the JSON array available to the Jinja template as a string representation of a Python array rather than as the actual Python array.

    In my example above, the value of field['value'] is "[u'foo', u'bar', u'baz']".

    The workaround looks like this:

    {% for field in d.custom_fields %}
    {% if field['key'] == 'street' %}
        {{ field['value'] 
           | replace("[", "")
           | replace("]", "") 
           | replace("u'", "")
           | replace("'", "") }}
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

    The result of this template is "foo, bar, baz" which the "Add Bulk Upsert Row" step correctly enters into my Multi-Choice Text-type field.

  2. In your a value for a Multi-Select field in an Add Bulk Upsert Row step you need to transform the array to a comma separated string (similar pattern to what you are using for a logic check on the key ‘street’):

    {% for item in array %}
    {% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{#Adds a comma between each value from array except the last one #}
    {% endfor %}
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