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I am trying to send a python dict as a JSON file for an email attachment using the sendgrid package.

Here is the code :

from sendgrid import SendGridAPIClient
from sendgrid import Mail
from sendgrid import Email
from sendgrid import Attachment

final_data = {"user":{"email": "[email protected]", "username": "test1"}}
result = json.dumps(final_data)
print(f"Result type {type(result)}")
encoded = base64.b64encode(result.encode("utf-8"))
print(f"encoded : {encoded}")
attachment = Attachment(file_content=encoded, file_name="user.json", file_type="application/json")

And the line sg.send(message) is throwing the error : Object of type bytes is not JSON serializable

I have seen so many SO questions about how to encode to base64, but i actually did and here is the whole trace of this code snippet :

Result type <class 'str'>
ERROR:root:export_all_data: Object of type bytes is not JSON serializable


I have changed my code to use :

from sendgrid import FileContent
from sendgrid import FileName
from sendgrid import FileType
attachment = Attachment(file_content=FileContent(encoded), file_name=FileName("user.json"),

According to the documentation but it’s still failing, unfortunately.



  1. To resolve the issue you mentioned, “Object type of bytes is not JSON serializable,” it typically indicates that you are trying to serialize an object of type bytes into a JSON format, which is not supported.

    To resolve this, you may need to convert the bytes object into a compatible format before attempting to serialize it. Depending on your specific use case and programming language, you can try converting the bytes object to a string, encode it using Base64, or convert it to another suitable format for

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  2. ERROR:root:export_all_data: Object of type bytes is not JSON serializable

    Looking at sendgrid-python / use cases / attachment, I see there is that the SendGrid API requires the base64-encoded attachment to be in a string format, not in bytes.
    After calling base64.b64encode(result.encode("utf-8")), it will return a bytes object, which is not JSON serializable. Therefore, you need to decode the bytes to string before passing it to the FileContent().

    And I do not see "decode()" anywhere in your question.

    You can see that change in this updated code:
    (but also illustrated in "Python Sendgrid send email with PDF attachment file")

    from sendgrid import SendGridAPIClient
    from sendgrid import Mail
    from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Email, To, Content, Attachment, FileContent, FileName, FileType
    import json
    import base64
    final_data = {"user":{"email": "[email protected]", "username": "test1"}}
    result = json.dumps(final_data)
    print(f"Result type {type(result)}")
    # base64 encode the json string and decode the bytes to string
    encoded = base64.b64encode(result.encode("utf-8")).decode()
    print(f"encoded : {encoded}")
    # Initialize a Mail object
    email = Mail(
        from_email=Email('[email protected]'),
        to_emails=To('[email protected]'),
    # Attach the file
    attachment = Attachment()
    attachment.file_content = FileContent(encoded)
    attachment.file_name = FileName("user.json")
    attachment.file_type = FileType("application/json")
    # Use your SendGrid API key
    sg = SendGridAPIClient('your_sendgrid_api_key')
    # Send the email
    response = sg.send(email)

    Do replace '[email protected]' and 'your_sendgrid_api_key' with your actual email and SendGrid API key.

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