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"results" : [
         "geometry" : {
            "location" : {
               "lat" : 50.4501,
               "lng" : 30.5234
            "viewport" : {
               "northeast" : {
                  "lat" : 50.59079800991073,
                  "lng" : 30.82594104187906
               "southwest" : {
                  "lat" : 50.21327301525928,
                  "lng" : 30.23944009690609

There are lat and lng values in geometry, but i can get only into "results" for now.

JSONNode root = JSONNode.Parse(www.downloadHandler.text);  
JSONArray nodes = root["results"].AsArray;  



  1. Might be better to use JsonElement which is faster. I have tested this code against your json and it works.

    public static double UsingJsonElement(string jsonString)
        var jsonElement = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonElement>(jsonString);
        return jsonElement
        var viewportlat = jsonElement
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  2. According to your JSON hierarchy I guess it would depend on exactly which set of lat/long you are interested in – there are three.

    And then afaik you simply go down the hierarchy like e.g.

    var firstNode = nodes[0];
    var geometry = firstNode["geometry"];
    var location = geometry["location"];
    var lat = location["lat"].AsFloat;
    var lng = location["lng"].AsFloat;

    You might want to rather use Newtonsoft JSON.Net though and simply implement according target type

    public class Root
        public Node[] results;
    public class Node
        // again depending which values you are interested in
        // you only have to implement th hierarchy of values you care for 
        // the rest will be ignored
        public Geometry geometry;
    public class Geometry
        public Location location;
    public class Location
        public float lat;
        public float lng;

    and then simply go

    var nodes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Root>(jsonString).results;

    and access

    var lat = nodes[0];
    var lng = nodes[0].geometry.location.lng;
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