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I have a problem with the default Serialization of my object.

public interface IUserProduct
    public int Gramature { get; set; }
    public ImageSource ProductImage { get; }
    public string Name { get; }
    public decimal Kcal { get; }
    public decimal Carbohydrates { get; }
    public decimal Fat { get; }
    public decimal Proteins { get; }
    public IProductDataTemplate ProductTemplate { get; set; }

The object has a property ImageSource, unfortunately it is referring to itself, and I’m getting a System.Text.Json.JsonException: 'A possible object cycle was detected. exception.

I have built a custom converter that is replacing a ImageSource with a string but Im still getting the exception.

public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, IList<IUserProduct> value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
    foreach (IUserProduct product in value)
        writer.WriteString(nameof(product.Name), product.Name);
        writer.WriteNumber(nameof(product.Kcal), product.Kcal);
        writer.WriteNumber(nameof(product.Gramature), product.Gramature);
        writer.WriteNumber(nameof(product.Proteins), product.Proteins);
        writer.WriteNumber(nameof(product.Carbohydrates), product.Carbohydrates);
        writer.WriteNumber(nameof(product.Fat), product.Fat);
        string image = product.ProductImage.ToString();
        writer.WriteString(nameof(product.ProductImage), image);

I have tried adding ReferenceHandler.Preserve and ReferenceHandler.IgnoreCycles but it doesn’t work neither.

This is a method that throws the exception:

private static readonly JsonSerializerOptions ProductSerializer = new JsonSerializerOptions() 
    Converters = { new JsonProductCustomConverter() }//this is my custom converter

private static void WriteProductsJSON(IUserProduct product, string fileName)
    string json;
    List<IUserProduct> products = new List<IUserProduct>();
    if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(DataPath, fileName)))
        json = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(DataPath, fileName));
        products = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<IUserProduct>>(json, options: ProductSerializer);
    json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(products, options: ProductSerializer);
    File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(DataPath, fileName), json);

What am I doing wrong? How can I serialize this ImageSource as a string and remove the exception?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The problem was lying in the JsonConverter I had made, I did not understand how it worked correctly. CustomJsonConverter that inherits from JsonConverter<T> is not passing the whole object meant for serialization to the public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, IList<IUserProduct> value, JsonSerializerOptions options) it only passes individual properties of that object to the method.

    In order to target a single property of type T to conversion, the type of that property should be specified in a custom-made converter. So, to custom serialize a ImageSource as a string the converter should look like this in my case:

    public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, ImageSource value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        if (value as FileImageSource != null)
            FileImageSource image = value as FileImageSource;
        else if (value as UriImageSource != null)
            UriImageSource image = value as UriImageSource;

  2. Why don’t you add another property for the string and mark ProductImage with [JsonIgnore]?

    public string ProductImageString { get; set; }
    public ImageSource ProductImage
        get => ImageSource.FromString(ProductImageString);
        set => ProductImageString = value.ToString();

    Note: get with ImageSource.FromString is just an example. Use whatever method you have if you want to read the ImageSource back from your string.

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