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I’m trying to make a java class that will contain a response from a JSON that looks like this:

    "Global Quote": {
        "01. symbol": "IBM",
        "02. open": "160.0000",
        "03. high": "162.0400",
        "04. low": "160.0000",
        "05. price": "161.9600",
        "06. volume": "4561342",
        "07. latest trading day": "2023-12-08",
        "08. previous close": "160.2200",
        "09. change": "1.7400",
        "10. change percent": "1.0860%"

So far i’ve tried using two seperate classes, one with a lot of String and double objects, and I landed on this most recently:

class VantageResponse { public Map<String, Object> globalQuote; }

I’ve been using google’s GSON.fromJson to parse the response into an object of class VantageResponse but it has always returned null. What am I doing wrong?



  1. protected convertToMap(JSONObject response){
      JSONObject contentsOfResponse = response.getJSONObject("Global Quote");
      // you will obtain the contents of the global quote
       Map<String,Object> globalQuote = new HashMap<>();
        Iterator<String> keys = contentsOfResponse.keys();
        while (keys.hasNext()) {
            String key =;
            Object value = contentsOfResponse.get(key);
            // Put the key-value pair into the HashMap
            globalQuote.put(key, value);
      //you can also store this as a global variable using
      //this.globalQuote;  (in a class)
      return globalQuote;

    Start writing a class that has a global variable of hashmap and then call this method to where you are containing the response. So far I have understood this should work. You can comment on this answer for other answer.

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  2. It looks like you are on the right track, but there might be an issue with the structure of your VantageResponse class. Here’s a modified version that should work:

    import java.util.Map;
    public class VantageResponse {
        @SerializedName("Global Quote")
        private GlobalQuote globalQuote;
        public GlobalQuote getGlobalQuote() {
            return globalQuote;
        public void setGlobalQuote(GlobalQuote globalQuote) {
            this.globalQuote = globalQuote;
        public static class GlobalQuote {
            @SerializedName("01. symbol")
            private String symbol;
            @SerializedName("02. open")
            private double open;
            @SerializedName("03. high")
            private double high;
            @SerializedName("04. low")
            private double low;
            @SerializedName("05. price")
            private double price;
            @SerializedName("06. volume")
            private long volume;
            @SerializedName("07. latest trading day")
            private String latestTradingDay;
            @SerializedName("08. previous close")
            private double previousClose;
            @SerializedName("09. change")
            private double change;
            @SerializedName("10. change percent")
            private String changePercent;
            // Getters and setters for all the fields
            // You can generate these using your IDE or write them manually
            // For simplicity, I'm showing just one getter here
            public String getSymbol() {
                return symbol;
            public double getOpen() {
                return open;
            public void setSymbol(String symbol) {
                this.symbol = symbol;

    With this structure, you can use Gson to deserialize the JSON response:

    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String jsonResponse = "{ "Global Quote": { "01. symbol": "IBM", "02. open": "160.0000", "03. high": "162.0400", "04. low": "160.0000", "05. price": "161.9600", "06. volume": "4561342", "07. latest trading day": "2023-12-08", "08. previous close": "160.2200", "09. change": "1.7400", "10. change percent": "1.0860%" } }";
            Gson gson = new Gson();
            VantageResponse vantageResponse = gson.fromJson(jsonResponse, VantageResponse.class);
            if (vantageResponse != null && vantageResponse.getGlobalQuote() != null) {
                System.out.println("Symbol: " + vantageResponse.getGlobalQuote().getSymbol());
                System.out.println("Open: " + vantageResponse.getGlobalQuote().getOpen());
                // Add more fields as needed
            } else {
                System.out.println("Failed to parse JSON response");
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