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I have a database that returns data as a tree like this:

'((7 "vince" "[email protected]" "space" "no value" 1)
  (8 "vince" "[email protected]" "place" "no value" 1)
  (9 "Smith" "[email protected]" "now" "no value" 1))

The second column is first name and the third column is email.

My goal is to return JSON key value pairs but im struggling

Here is what I have tried:

  1. Function to get name and email from one list item
(defun get-name-&-emails-db1 (lst)
  (if (null lst)
      (let* ((name (second lst))
             (email (third lst)))
    (cl-json:encode-json-to-string `((:name . ,name)(:email . ,email))))))
  1. Map over data set
(mapcar #'get-name-&-emails-db1 (return-data-tree))

This returns a list of individual json blocks. But I want it to be ONE json block with all records.

What am I missing?

(ideally, I want to know how to do this without any additional libraries)




  1. I tried to encode a list of alists, and this is how it goes:

    USER> (cl-json:encode-json 
            (list '(("a" . "0") ("b" . "1")) '(("a" . "2") ("b" . "3"))))

    If this is what you want to have, then you need to organize your data in Lisp first, then encode the whole list as JSON instead of formatting each entry individually.

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  2. Use mapcar, get the second and third element of each entry, and then call cl-json:encode-json-to-string on the result:

    (let ((data '((7 "vince" "[email protected]" "space" "no value" 1)
                  (8 "vince" "[email protected]" "place" "no value" 1)
                  (9 "Smith" "[email protected]" "now" "no value" 1))))
       (mapcar (lambda (e) `((:name . ,(second e))(:email . ,(third e))))
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  3. Here I don’t use comma, backquote, alists or plists, but simply: I create a list of hash-tables. I’m quite sure how a list and a hash table are rendered in JSON, so let’s rework our data a bit to come back in known territories.

    (loop for row in '((7 "vince" "[email protected]" "space" "no value" 1)
                       (8 "vince" "[email protected]" "place" "no value" 1)
                       (9 "Smith" "[email protected]" "now" "no value" 1))
       with result = (list)  ;; the list of hash-tables to encode.
       for ht = (make-hash-table)   ;; intermediary hash-table.
       do (setf (gethash "name" ht)
                (second row)
                (gethash "email" ht)
                (third row))
         (push ht result)
       finally (return (cl-json:encode-json-to-string result)))
    ;; =>
    "[{"name":"Smith","email":"[email protected]"},{"name":"vince","email":"[email protected]"},{"name":"vince","email":"[email protected]"}]"

    I like Serapeum’s dict:

                  ;; replaces (for ht = (make-hash-table)) and the setf
                  for ht = (dict :name (second row)
                                 :email (third row))
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  4. Answers were given. Just a general way to deal with alist and json:

    (ql:quickload :yason)
    (defparameter *data* '((7 "vince" "[email protected]" "space" "no value" 1)
                           (8 "vince" "[email protected]" "place" "no value" 1)
                           (9 "Smith" "[email protected]" "now" "no value" 1)))
    (defparameter *scheme* '(:id :name :email :meta :value :count))
    (defun pairing (keys values)
      (loop for a in keys
            for b in values
            collect (cons (string-downcase (format nil "~A" a)) b)))
    (defun alist-json (x &keys keys)
      (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
        (yason:encode-alist (pairing keys x))))
    (defun list-json (l)
      (format nil "[~{~A~^, ~}]" l))
    (defun values-list-keys-json (values-list keys)
      (list-json (mapcar (lambda (x) (alist-json x :keys keys)) values-list)))
    (values-list-keys-json *data* *scheme*)
    => "[{"id":7,"name":"vince","email":"[email protected]","meta":"space","value":"no value","count":1}, 
    {"id":8,"name":"vince","email":"[email protected]","meta":"place","value":"no value","count":1}, 
    {"id":9,"name":"Smith","email":"[email protected]","meta":"now","value":"no value","count":1}]"
    (defun second-third (l)
      (subseq l 1 3))
    (values-list-keys-json (mapcar #'second-third *data*) (second-third *scheme*))
    => "[{"name":"vince","email":"[email protected]"}, {"name":"vince","email":"[email protected]"}, {"name":"Smith","email":"[email protected]"}]"
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