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I need some help formatting the Input.CSV which contains JSON into Output .CSV which will show the column like:

Date (Local Timezone, not UTC), IP Address, User, Record Type, Activity, Item

See the sample Input.csv in the below:

GUID,1/24/2023 12:39:18 AM,20,ViewReport,[email protected],"{
    ""Id"": ""GUID"",
    ""RecordType"": 20,
    ""CreationTime"": ""2023-01-24T00:39:18"",
    ""Operation"": ""ViewReport"",
    ""OrganizationId"": ""GUID"",
    ""UserType"": 0,
    ""UserKey"": ""123"",
    ""Workload"": ""PowerBI"",
    ""UserId"": ""[email protected]"",
    ""ClientIP"": """",
    ""Activity"": ""ViewReport"",
    ""ItemName"": ""Important Report"",
    ""WorkSpaceName"": ""banking Confidential Data"",
    ""DatasetName"": ""Corporate Finance"",
    ""ReportName"": ""Corporate Finance"",
    ""CapacityId"": ""GUID"",
    ""CapacityName"": ""Shared On Premium - Reserved"",
    ""WorkspaceId"": ""GUID"",
    ""ObjectId"": ""Corporate Finance"",
    ""DatasetId"": ""GUID"",
    ""ReportId"": ""GUID"",
    ""ArtifactId"": ""GUID"",
    ""ArtifactName"": ""Corporate Finance"",
    ""IsSuccess"": true,
    ""ReportType"": ""PowerBIReport"",
    ""RequestId"": ""GUID"",
    ""ActivityId"": ""GUID"",
    ""DistributionMethod"": ""Shared"",
    ""ConsumptionMethod"": ""Power BI Web"",
    ""ArtifactKind"": ""Report""

The big challenge here is to convert the Date column from UTC into the local timezone.

#some json data...
$jsonData = Import-CSV -path C:Input.CSV

#convert JSON to PowerShell
$psData = $jsonData | ConvertFrom-Json

# then exporting...
$psData | Export-Csv -Path c:temppsData.csv

Any help is much appreciated.



  1. You can use the .ToLocalTime() method from datetime for this. In PowerShell 7+ ConvertFrom-Json would already convert the CreationTime key in your Json into a datetime instance thus the casting of [datetime] wouldn’t be needed but for compatibility with both versions you should leave it as is.

    Import-Csv C:Input.CSV | ForEach-Object AuditData |
        ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object {
                Date       = ([datetime] $_.CreationTime).ToLocalTime().ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss')
                IpAddress  = $_.ClientIp
                User       = $_.UserId
                RecordType = $_.RecordType
                Activity   = $_.Activity
                Item       = $_.ItemName
        } | Export-Csv c:temppsData.csv -NoTypeInformation
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  2. I have reproduced in my environment and got expected results as below :

    $x = Import-CSV -path "C:UsersDownloadsemooo.csv"
    $y=$x.AuditData | ConvertFrom-Json
    $o = [DateTimeOffset]::Parse($y.CreationTime)
    $datetime = $o.UtcDateTime
    $local = [TimeZoneInfo]::Local
    $localtime = [TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($datetime, $local)
    $y.CreationTime = $localtime 
    $z=$x | Select-Object -Property RecordId,CreationDate, RecordType, Operation, UserId
    foreach ($emo in $y.PSObject.Properties) {
    $z | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $emo.Name -Value $emo.Value -Force
    $z | Export-Csv -Path "C:UsersDownloadsvammo.csv"

    enter image description here

    Output :

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Now(Just to check):


    enter image description here

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