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I have the following class.

public class Foo
    [XmlElement("Bar", typeof(Bar))]
    [XmlElement("Pub", typeof(Pub))]
    public BaseBar Bar { get; set; }

I would like to move from XML serialization to JSON (System.Text.Json) serialization, what is the equivalent for the attribute [XmlElement("Bar", typeof(Bar))]?

See this sample:


I am looking for a way to define it on property level, so if I have 2 properties I would like to have different names for those.

public class Foo
    [XmlElement("Bar", typeof(Bar))]
    [XmlElement("Pub", typeof(Pub))]
    public BaseBar Bar { get; set; }

    [XmlElement("Bar2", typeof(Bar))]
    [XmlElement("Pub2", typeof(Pub))]
    public BaseBar Bar2 { get; set; }

See this sample:


The given answer by Guru Stron produces this output

{"Bar":{"$type":"Pub" …

I am looking for


Where Pub should be serialized from the property Bar if it is of type Pub.



  1. .NET 7 and latest version of System.Text.Json have introduced support for polymorphic json serialization. One way to handle it is to use JsonDerivedTypeAttribute on the base type specifying all descendants:

    [JsonDerivedType(typeof(Bar), typeDiscriminator: nameof(Bar))]
    [JsonDerivedType(typeof(Pub), typeDiscriminator: nameof(Pub))]
    public abstract class BaseBar
        public abstract string Text { get; set; }
    public class Bar : BaseBar
        public override string Text { get; set; } = "I am a Bar";
    public class Pub : BaseBar
        public override string Text { get; set; } = "I am a Pub";

    Prior .NET 7 custom converter could be used to support polymorphic deserialization.

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  2. To serialize you data, you even don’t need any element name attribute, if you have the same property name and you don’t need a root class, you can use a Dictionary

        var foo = new Dictionary<string, BaseBar> {
                               { "Bar", new Bar() },
                               { "Pub", new Pub() }
        var json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(foo, 
                                    new JsonSerializerOptions{WriteIndented = true}


      "Bar": {
        "Text": "I am a Bar"
      "Pub": {
        "Text": "I am a Pub"

    to deserialize

    Dictionary<string, BaseBar> foo = JsonObject.Parse(json).AsObject()
                                        .ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Key == "Bar" ? 
                                        : (BaseBar)p.Value.Deserialize<Pub>()
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