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No matter what I do this error keeps popping up, I´ve searched for a solution but Im too stupid to comprehend what is going on, please help me


@section('title', 'Pregunta:'.$nombrePregunta->titulo)
@section('description', $nombrePregunta->categorias->nombre)
<div class="leading-loose max-w-4xl mb-4">

There´s more but its non important



use IlluminateSupportFacadesRoute;
use AppHttpControllerspaginaControlador;

Route::get('/', [paginaControlador::Class, 'gestionHome'])->name('home');
Route::get('/categorias/{nombreCategoria:slug}', [paginaControlador::class, 'gestionCategoria'])->name('categoria');
Route::get('/etiquetas/{nombreEtiqueta:slug}', [paginaControlador::class, 'gestionEtiqueta'])->name('etiqueta');
Route::get('/preguntas/{nombrePregunta:slug}', [paginaControlador::class, 'gestionPregunta'])->name('pregunta');



namespace AppHttpControllers;
use AppModelsPreguntas;
use AppModelsCategorias;
use AppModelsEtiquetas;

use IlluminateHttpRequest;

class paginaControlador extends Controller
    public function gestionHome(){
        $preguntas = Preguntas::orderBy('id','DESC')->paginate();
        return view("home", compact('preguntas'));
    public function gestionCategoria($nombreCategoria){
        $preguntas = $nombreCategoria->preguntas()->orderBy('id','DESC')->paginate();
        return view('categoria', compact('nombreCategoria','preguntas'));
    public function gestionEtiqueta($nombreEtiqueta){
        $preguntas = $nombreEtiqueta->preguntas()->orderBy('id','DESC')->paginate();
        return view('etiqueta', compact('nombreEtiqueta','preguntas'));
    public function gestionPregunta($nombrePregunta){
        return view('preguntas', compact('nombrePregunta'));



namespace AppModels;

use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentFactoriesHasFactory;
use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel;

class Preguntas extends Model
    use HasFactory;
    // 1:N
    public function comentarios(){
        return $this -> hasMany(Comentarios::class);
    // N:N
    public function etiquetas(){
        return $this -> belongsToMany(Etiquetas::class);
    public function categorias(){
        return $this -> belongsTo(Categorias::class);
    public function user(){
        return $this -> belongsTo(User::class);


I dont know if this is useful but ill put it here just in case


namespace DatabaseFactories;

use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentFactoriesFactory;
use AppModelsUser;
use AppModelsCategorias;
use IlluminateSupportStr;

 * @extends IlluminateDatabaseEloquentFactoriesFactory<AppModelsPreguntas>
class PreguntasFactory extends Factory
    public function definition(): array
        return [
            'categorias_id' => Categorias::factory(),
            'user_id' => User::factory(),
            'titulo' => $title = fake()->unique()->sentence(),
            'slug' => Str::slug($title),
            'body' => fake()->text(1300)

I´ve tried using this live.ERROR: Trying to get property 'title' of non-object (View: C:xampphtdocscoreresourcesviewsusersignal-all.blade.php), but i can´t comprehend what i need to do



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Found the solution in Controllers/paginaControlador.php

        public function gestionPregunta(Pregunta $nombrePregunta){
            return view('preguntas', compact('nombrePregunta'));

    Without "Pregunta" in there it didnt make an object

  2. your problem is that you want to use the "magic" of Route Model Binding, but you do not define a model in the input parameter $nombrePregunta of the controller method gestionPregunta (and same problem is in other controller methods).

    public function gestionPregunta(Preguntas $nombrePregunta){
        return view('preguntas', compact('nombrePregunta'));

    Edit based on your comment:

    If you are using other routeKeyName (in your case slug), you have to also set it in your model (Preguntas).

    public function getRouteKeyName(): string
        return 'slug';

    If you dont want to change routeKeyName, than you have to manually find in controller method the coresponding model for slug:

    public function gestionPregunta($nombrePregunta){
        $nombrePregunta = Preguntas::where('slug', $nombrePregunta)->firstOrFail();
        return view('preguntas', compact('nombrePregunta'));
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