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I tried to use Laravel-passport so I installed this package in my project, but when i wanted to make route
i wrote this code in the AuthServiceProvider

 public function boot()

When i run php artisan route:list in the cmd i face with this error

  • Call to undefined method LaravelPassportPassport::routes()



  1. Since version 11 passport’s routes have been moved to a dedicated route file. You can remove the Passport::routes() call from your application’s service provider.

    If you dont want to use default passport routes. you can disabled the route in register method inside AppServicerProvider

    public function register()

    and you can copy the default passport routes from vendor laravelpassportroutesweb.php

    for more detail about UPGRADE read this

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  2. Remove this comment on this line on your AuthServiceProvider file.

    protected $policies = [
            'AppModelsModel' => 'AppPoliciesModelPolicy',
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