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I have 2 models: Supplier and Product which are connected via SupplierProduct table with additional fields

For a given $supplier I need to load it’s SupplierProducts (with attached products) filtered by where conditions in both SupplierProduct and Product models

Loading everything would look like:


Now how can I load with conditions for both SupplierProduct and Product ?

    'supplierProducts' => function ($query) use ($supplierProductParam, $productParam) {
        $query->where('field', $supplierProductParam);       
        // can I query supplierProducts.product here?         
     }, // or can I query supplierProducts.product here?



  1. Define them as many to many relations to each other, using belongsToMany using withPivot in the definition. That relation has wherePivot method to conditionate the pivot model.

    return $this->belongsToMany(Role::class)->withPivot('active', 'created_by')

    Also you can use where on the relation.

    Suplier::query()->with('products', function (Relation $relation): void {$relation->wherePivot(....);});
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  2. If you want to add additional filters in the many to many relationship you can use:

    wherePivot('id', 1) 


    wherePivotIn('id', [1])

    Further official info here

    In your case:

        'supplierProducts' => function ($query) use ($supplierProductParam, $productParam) {
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