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I want to change the default directory for creating migration i.e. If I do php artisan make:migration create_users_table, it should create users table in /database/migrations/child_database. I do not want to use –path every time I create a migration for child_database. I want to change the default directory for php artisan make:migration.



  1. you can create your own artisan command to achieve this:

    create your a new artisan command and use it to make migration in your custom directory using this article. hope help you ^_^

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  2. try this package github repo or use laracast link

    You can use loadMigrationsFrom() in your AppServiceProvider.

    Inside the boot() function, run:

     * Register Custom Migration Paths
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  3. This question has been answered before, even though it’s a little bit old it still has it’s value.
    Have a look at:

    If you use this answer, the default directory is changed and you will have the solution you want.

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